Amanda Sefton |
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Name: | Jimaine Szardos |
Gender: | Female |
Place of Birth: | Germany |
Age: | 29 |
Aliases: | Amanda Sefton |
Origin: | Mystic |
Origin Earth: | 7211 |
Present Location: | Mobile |
Occupation: | Flight Attendant |
Team: | None |
Alignment: | Hero |
Significant Other(s): | None |
Powers and Abilities: | Gypsy Magic |
Portrayed by: | Claudia Schiffer |
Over the years, 616 Amanda has fought beside the X-Men and saved many of their lives and had them save hers in return on occasion. She dated Nightcrawler and double dated with Piotr and whoever he was dating at the time.
She spent some time on Muir Island and earned their respect. She was a member of Excalibur for a time then became the Mistress of Limbo. Only to later be chased out of Limbo again.
If someone has known Nightcrawler, there is a decent chance that they have met Amanda at least once.
Most people who have known her think highly of her and though this Amanda is not that Amanda, she is similar enough that many will think she is unless told otherwise.
- Born Jimaine Szardos, she was raised in a wandering circus in Germany. Her mother, Margali, was the circus gypsy fortune teller and in secret a powerful sorceress and caretaker of the Winding Way. She was raised with her older brother Stefan and her adopted foster brother, Kurt Wagner.
- Jimaine trained for and performed in the circus trapeze act with Kurt. After their brother Stefan left, the remaining pair became very close and vowed to be there for each other 'Any time, any thing, any where.' Everything changed when the circus was sold. Rather than being placed in the freak show (and following a tragic accident involving the master acrobat, Sabu) Kurt left the circus. Though he asked her to come with him, Jimaine was pressured by her mother into remaining behind to study magic.
- Jimaine trained in magic without reprieve until word came that Stefan was dead and he had been killed by Kurt. Convinced that her mother's obsession with the death could lead nowhere good, Jimaine went in search of Kurt to learn the truth. After finding Kurt in New York with the X-Men, Jimaine used magic to alter her appearance and create the perfect identity for Amanda Sefton. In other words, a whole history and paper trail for her new persona that was good enough to fool even the most diligent investigator.
- After securing a position as a flight attendant for a major airline and setting up a residence in New York, Amanda set about meeting Kurt and reintegrating herself into his life. They began to go on dates and get comfortable with each other.
- While on one of these with Kurt, Amanda and two of her friends, were kidnapped by Arcade in order to draw the X-men into one of his games. No one was seriously hurt by the encounter.
- As time goes by, Amanda became convinced that Kurt did not kill Stefan in cold blood, but she was unable to convince Margali of this. When Margali attacked on Kurt's birthday and drew him into a pocket dimension modeled after Dante's Inferno. Amanda used her own magic to draw the X-men and Dr. Strange through a rift into the same pocket dimension so they could rescue him from Margali. Jimaine revealed to Kurt that she had been Amanda all along which turned out to be the best birthday present of all.
- Recently freed from worrying about Margali's vengeance, Amanda found herself kidnapped and taken to Murderworld yet again. She was saved from this but didn't not get to spend much time with Kurt before she had to go back to work.
- Back from several flights, Amanda came to visit again only to find their stroll interrupted when the Hellfire Club attacked the mansion with Sentinels and finally incapacitated everyone. Amanda saved the day because no one realized she had powers of her own.
- After Kitty told Illyana a story about Bamps, Kurt had a bamp doll made for Amanda so it can keep her company when they cannot be together which turned out to be sooner rather than later as her job took her away yet again.
- After a grueling round the world flight, Amanda returned home to a romantic evening only to find that evening interrupted yet again when Professor Xavier called on Kurt to rescue Candy Southern. Instead of a romantic evening, she ended up brewing restorative potions and caring for Lockheed since the care and feeding of magical creatures was part and parcel of her training. Knowing she was soon to leave on another month long round the world flight, Amanda made a witch doll of herself for Kurt and left it as a present when she went.
- During another date that was not to be, Kurt and Amanda were waiting for Kitty and Piotr to come back from parking the car when they were attacked by a fire dragon created by Pyro. Kurt teleported them away only to get attacked by Avalanche. Amanda used her magic to help defend against the attacks until Blob caught her and threatened to kill her unless Kurt came back. After the whole fiasco was over, Amanda had to go right back to work. Leading Amanda to gripe to herself that her life seemed to be nothing but flights around the word and aborted attempts to date Kurt. She found herself unable to remember when the last full date they had was.
- After a shorter set of flights, Amanda return to New York and was getting ready for a big date with Kurt when she felt something strange going on nearby. She decided to investigate. As a result her apartment was filled with dimensional magic when Kurt teleported before she could warn him not to. This caused his teleport to go wrong and take him to the dimension of Crystalium. Fortunately they still had some time together after he managed to get back.
- Finally Kurt and Amanda got to finish a date and then the next time it was her work that got interrupted when Amanda's plane ended up stranded in a freak blizzard in Texas. Kurt teleported on to get her so she could help the X-Men fight the dire wraiths in Forge's penthouse. She managed to fight off the shadow mass enough to force the wraith witch to focus on her which allowed Kurt and Piotr to kill it. After it was dead, she was able to use her magic to seal the dimensional rift and eliminate the threat. Kurt teleported a tired Amanda back to her stranded flight from there.
- After a particularly grueling series of flights, Amanda finally insisted on some time off just in time to go on the camping trip with the X-Men to welcome Wolverine and Kitty back from Japan. Unfortunately, no break ever last for long. Kurt's activities with the X-men began to take him away again and Amanda's wanderlust began to make her want to leave again.
- Kurt began to spend more time at Amanda's apartment between his X-men activities so that he could be there to spend time with her and Amanda ignored her wanderlust to be with him for a time. Then the Beyonder kidnapped the X-Men, except for Kurt. Though Amanda had accepted a flight assignment, when she found Kurt sitting on the balcony after a whole night awake, she offered to cancel the trip and stay with him. In his depression and self-doubt, Kurt accused Amanda of using her spells to make him love her. She left in anger and with angry words and she does not let even Kurt's howl of grief make her go back.
- Aboard her flight, Amanda regretted the decision to leave and tried to call Kurt but there was no answer. Without the ability to get through to Kurt and tell him she still loved him, Amanda had no choice but to learn to live with the fact that she and Kurt might never be together again.
- Eventually though Amanda could not live with the notion of not trying to find a way for them to at least be friends again so she went looking for Kurt. When she found out he'd become a part of Excalibur, she went to the lighthouse in Britain to look for him. As fate would have it, Excalibur wasn't home. Instead of finding Kurt's laughter and fun, she found Brigadier Alysande Stuart who came to the lighthouse looking for her brother.
- After Amanda volunteered to help Alysande too her to meet Sean Cassidy. On their way to Muir Island, Sean is shot and Amanda dives into the water and transforms them all into merpeople so they can survive in the water while she finds Sean. Finally she teleport's them all to Muir Island, transforming them back to human form in the process.
- Once they reach Muir Island, they are forced to fight off the Reavers. It turns out that her magic does not work quite as well as it should against the cyborgs thanks to the cold steel of their cyborg mechanisms. Even so the Reavers are finally defeated and Amanda stays with Muir Island.
- So it is that Amanda is present when the Shadow King takes over Muir Island and lets loose the darkest parts of their inner natures. Amanda begins referring to herself as a demon sorceress and proves that she is as capable of using her magic for dark purposes as she has proved in the past that she is capable of using it for good. Fortunately for everyone there, Xavier returns and the Shadow King is defeated, freeing Amanda from this dark side of her nature.
- From there Amanda decided to go back to her job with the airline. She was on her way to a flight when she became aware that something was wrong. Her attunement to dimensional rifts allowed her to feel the universe beginning to come apart around her. She cast a spell in an attempt to seal the rifts. That is when she became drawn into the universe of Earth 616.
- Amanda could tell almost immediately that she was no longer in the same universe because the magic didn't feel quite right. Not knowing what might be different, she immediately found the safest place to cast a spell in private that she could, the New York Public Library. She cast the spell she used to create Amanda Sefton again to make sure the proper details as she remembered them would be on the paper trail in this universe as well. Then she searched out her apartment which was luckily in the same building and went to find out if she could still get back her job with the airline even though not all the people she remembered worked there in this universe. At least her id worked.
Amanda Sefton is driven to protect those she loves and cares about.
Amanda's life as she knew it was not going very well even before she was pulled from her home universe to Earth 616. Her main goal for the foreseeable future is to put her life back into some semblance of order and find a balance between her magical abilities and her non-magical life that works. She'd also like to find out if there is still a Kurt who might care for his childhood friend, Jimaine, even if she isn't quite the same childhood friend he really had.
Amanda Sefton, Jimaine Szardos, whatever you call her, she is a gypsy sorceress born and bred. She may not have been raised with all the Romani traditions because Margali thought herself above them, but she definitely got the wanderlust. Ultimately the reason for her job as a flight attendant is to keep Amanda sane. She needs the traveling nearly as much as she needs air to breathe. Oh there can be exceptions, times when she has done so much traveling that she needs to stay put for a while, but in the end her wanderlust will always call her back.
Even Amanda's wanderlust cannot make her abandon a friend in need. Life has taught her that few things are more important than family and friends. Perhaps it's a little naive to believe that her friends will be there for her in the way she is for them but even should they be unable to, Amanda would not hold the responsibilities of their lives against them. It does not occur to Amanda that a deliberate betrayal might happen. She is loyal and honest with everyone so it sometimes does not occur to her that those she gives her loyalty to might not give such loyalty back or that those to whom she gives her honesty may lie to her.
When Amanda makes her mind up on an issue, it's not easy to make her change it again, even when she's wrong. Challenging Amanda about her stubbornness is a good way to make her double-down on whatever she's being stubborn about.
Amanda has always been one to do what she wanted instead of what she was told. More than once this has lead to mistakes she wishes she could have taken back. This caused constant battles between herself and her mother when she was young because Amanda has never been willing to go the way Margali wanted her to just because it was what Margali wanted.
Amanda was raised the daughter of a powerful Romany sorceress and was a star of the circus in which she spent most of her childhood. She is proud of her abilities of herself. She does not take insults to her abilities or her character lightly. It's an easy way to provoke the kind-hearted gypsy to an argument.
Amanda never finished her magical training with Margali and now she might never have a chance to do so. Since Amanda never entered the Winding Way and hoped never to have to do so, she never thought of herself as very powerful despite her pride in her skills. A failure to accomplish what she set out to do can easily send Amanda into a period of self-doubt that makes it more likely for her to fail.
Because of how loyal she is, Amanda fully expects others to give that loyalty back. That combined with stubborn pride is a beautiful recipe for a jealous streak and boy does Amanda have one. She may not ask where you were if she knows something might have come up, but woe betide the man who tries to trifle with her. Kurt and Amanda were back to friends instead of lovers (possibly not even that) before she was brought to Earth 616. She does not know if the Kurt of this Earth loves, likes or even knows Amanda Sefton or even Jimaine Szardos, but any person who wants to be let into the gypsy sorceress' heart is inevitably going to be compared to the blue and fuzzy one true love of her life.
Above and beyond all the rest, Amanda is compassionate. She wants the world as a whole and people in general to be happy and she doesn't see anything wrong with using her magic to help make it so if necessary. At the same time, she is not soft. Given the hard choice to make, Amanda will make the choice she feels is right and damned be the opinions of others if they think to stand in the way.
Amanda's latent dark side was drawn out by the Shadow King and she has not quite been able to submerge it again. While she is still he sweet and lovely Amanda Sefton, there is always that dark streak floating beneath the surface ready to rise up and reinforce her most unpleasant qualities at odd moments.
Amanda is descended from a long line of Gypsy sorceresses and studied the mystic arts with her mother, Margali, from a young age. Though her training was never fully completed, she learned more than enough to suit her purposes. She has an exceptional ability to wield natural magic that is blunted only by the weakness it has when used directly against cold iron. While Amanda can only maintain a single spell at any given time, most spells need no maintenance. She can have any number of spell effects active so long as they do not require direct maintenance by her. While the spells that Amanda knows are too numerous and varied to list, the major ones have been listed in their own traits.
Amanda can weave a mystic cloak around a target which will prevent him from being detected by both normal and mystic senses. The cloak does not hide the target from telepathic senses and is also breached if the target does something to call attention to himself. This spell needs no direct maintenance, but can be made more powerful with an extended chant.
Amanda is capable of conjuring anything with which she has come into direct contact even if she does not fully understand how it works. She can also conjure items she can imagine so long as those items obey the natural laws of the dimension where she is. If she attempts to conjure something which does not fit the natural laws of her dimension without first opening a dimensional aperture to a dimension where such a thing can exist, the spell will fail.
Amanda is capable of conjuring anything with which she has come into direct contact even if she does not fully understand how it works. She can also conjure items she can imagine so long as those items obey the natural laws of the dimension where she is. If she attempts to conjure something which does not fit the natural laws of her dimension without first opening a dimensional aperture to a dimension where such a thing can exist, the spell will fail.
Amanda can create a spell to control any of the four natural elements: Air, Water, Earth, and Fire. By manipulating one of four spells, she can either Amplify, Diminish or Control the desired element in order to do a variety of things. The controlled element will remain under her control until she chooses to stop maintaining the effect or loses consciousness. Examples: Gusts of Wind, whirlpools, make a fire burn hotter or go out, create earth tremors or still them.
Amanda can create a spell to influence the emotions of others. This effect is strongest when used one on one, but can be used to manipulate a large crowd as well though Amanda must be able to see her targets either through line of sight or scrying. The easiest way is amplifying an existing emotion. Ex. Turning a mild crush into passionate love or simple annoyance into rage. With effort, Amanda can also create an emotion where none exists though due to its difficulty this can only be done one on one. She can also use this spell to dampen existing emotions or eliminate emotions externally imposed on the target.
When used to impose an emotional state directly, this spell must be directly maintained and the emotion fades instantly when she stops or loses consciousness. When the spell is used to amplify an existing emotion, the effect can linger indefinitely until some other force counteracts the effect naturally.
Amanda has the ability to create full sensory illusions which can affect multiple targets at once. These illusions can be combined with mystic bonds these illusions can even be tactile in nature. Through combination with a cloaking spell to mask the life signs, she can even create the illusions of death in either herself or another person. Illusions created in this manner last only as long as Amanda is actively maintaining them and vanish instantly if she loses consciousness.
Amanda can throw bolts of mystic force at any target she can see. As they are composed of light and positive natural energy, the effectiveness is doubled against darkforce creatures or other beings which naturally dwell in darkness. While the normal result of these eldritch bolts is a heavy stun as would result from a strong taser, creatures of darkness may be disrupted rather than simply stunned.
Amanda's mystic bonds are impossible to break through mundane means unless they are applied directly against cold iron as in the case of a cyborg. Even in the case of a cyborg, breaking them is an incredible feat of strength. Under normal circumstances, the bonds must be dispelled either by Amanda or another mystic. A slight variation of the spell can cause the bonds to take the form of an energy web for use against multiple targets at once. Amanda must be able to see her target to cast the bonds but once the bonds are in effect, she does not have to maintain visual contact. The bonds do not need to be actively maintained but can be made stronger if necessary by doing so.
Amanda can create a mystic shield large enough to protect herself and at least one other person. The shield's size, shape and location relative to Amanda are determined when the shield is raised and will remain in place without active maintenance until either nullified by Amanda or another more powerful mystic even if she loses consciousness. This shield will protect against all forms of energy attack and most forms of physical attack. Projectiles which contain cold iron will only be slowed rather than stopped by the shield. If needed the strength of the shield can be increased through active maintenance.
This spell is cast onto something in which the results can be viewed, normally a crystal ball but it also works well with mirrors and relatively still pools of liquid (preferably water). Once Successfully cast, this allows Amanda to view a known location or known person up to 500 mile away. While scrying out a known location takes almost no time, it can take a between 5 and 30 minutes of uninterrupted focus in order to scry out an individual in an unknown location. It is not possible to scry into another dimension unless Amanda has first opened a dimensional aperture to that location.
Scrying can also be used to determine the dimensional signature of an open aperture or an aperture that was closed within the last 24 hours. This will take varying amounts of time depending on how familiar Amanda is with the dimension in question, but will take longer for a closed aperture than for an open one.
Amanda can shapeshift both herself and others. The new form must be able to survive in the environment of the target. Part and parcel of this spell is making the target respond to the environment as if it was their native environment. The shape change requires no maintenance and will continue until the target is change to another form or the spell is forcibly dispelled by another mystic. Forced dispelling can result in bodily harm or death if done improperly or while in an environment nor compatible with the target's original form.
This spell can also be used to alter the appearance of an individual while maintaining their physical form in the same basic shape. While the size of the target can change, the basic mass of the target will be maintained.
Amanda can telelport herself and up to three other people. She does not have to be touching a target to teleport him as long as she has line of sight with the target. The distance she is capable of traveling is uncertain, but is easily in excess of 10,000 miles. The distance traveled affects how tired Amanda is following the teleport. Any journey which totals over 10,000 passenger miles (over 10,000 for 1, over 5000 for 2, etc.) will require an extended period of rest after reaching the destination.
In addition to her normal magic, Amanda has the ability to combine her spells with the like powers of another person to boost the power of both abilities. For instance, she can attune her teleportation spell to Kurt's teleportation so the can both accomplish a teleport that neither could do alone. This ability can also allow her to overcome power dampening effects. The target must be both willing and in physical contact with Amanda so they can work in concert.
Though Amanda is not from Earth 616, that does not mean there's never been an Amanda. The friends of the Amanda Sefton from 616 will still recognize her. There are those who considered themselves Amanda's family: the performers of her former circus, her mother and Nightcrawler. There were friends and former colleagues: Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Shadowcat, Archangel, Cyclops, Rogue and the other X-Men to a lesser degree. Many of the other X-Teams are familiar with Amanda from previous association as well: most notably Excalibur's members, the New Mutants and the X-Men's allies on Muir Island.
All of the people who knew the Amanda from 616 might still be willing to help this alternate of Amanda or even more.
Amanda found the apartment she used to rent on her own Earth when she first arrived in 616. Though Amanda has not lived there in some time on 616, the flight attendants Amanda once shared an apartment with still lived there and Amanda has arranged to move in when them once more since she's told them she plans to get her job with the airline back.
One of the first things Amanda did was arrange an interview at the airline she worked for on her own Earth on the assumption that she would be able to convince them to re-hire her. She was able to display all the skills of a senior flight attendant at the interview. As a flight attendant, she can get flights at no charge on her airline as long as they are not filled to capacity. More importantly, it means she can get a salary so she doesn't have to conjure everything just in order to survive.
Amanda can use her magic to conjure up any sort of clothing she wishes but since her encounters on Muir Island she tends to use the Good Environmental Suit /body armor qualities (Protections against weather extremes, flexible as cloth, capable of stopping solid shells and energy weapons within limits) provided by the uniforms Moira gave the people there in all her clothing just because someone who associates with known heroes needs some sort of protection. Better to be safe than sorry after all.
Though Amanda has chosen intentionally never to step on the Winding Way, her bloodline gives her access to it. The Winding Way is an extra-dimensional source of magic that gives Amanda's mother so much power in her times of empowerment. Should she ever find she needs a boost to her power levels so much that she is willing to bind her magic forever to the cycles of the Winding Way, Amanda can step onto that path and open up a greater power than she has known before.
Once upon a time, Jimaine Szardos was partnered with Kurt Wagner in the world renowned acrobatics act of the Der Jahrmarkt circus in Germany. Surpassed only by the skills of her partner, Kurt, and the circus' master aerialist who trained them both, Sabu, Jimaine's skills were without question. Though she and Kurt always performed without a net, he only had to rescue her from falling to her death once when both of them missed their cue by a matter of only a second or two and failed a catch. Despite this and the fact that she does not practice these skills the way she once did with the circus, Amanda retains her wonderful agility and flexibility in the air. Though she is not as good as Kurt, she is not terribly far behind, surpassed more by this supernatural agility than by his skills.
Though she may not be a star of the silver screen, Amanda Sefton is nonetheless an astounding actress. She was able for months to look the one true love of her life directly in the eye and lie to him about who she was without so much as a blink of the eye. Though her loyalty and honesty prevents her from deceiving those she loves on a regular basis, she can control her reactions flawlessly enough to fool anyone but a telepath.
Though ballet is not her preferred style of dancing for herself, she loves to watch it. She has a good deal of technical knowledge about the style both from watching performances of ballet troupes from around the world such as the renowned Bolshoi ballet and Britain's royal ballet. In addition, Amanda has put some time into reading books on the subject so she could better appreciate what she was watching.
She's no Iron Chef, but thanks to all her knowledge of herbs Amanda is no slouch in the kitchen. Though she often prefers to enjoy a night out on the town instead of serving herself or anyone else when she is not doing the flight attendant thing, she has occasionally been known to whip up a meal worth staying in for.
There are some things all gypsy girls learn, even those who do not really grow up in a gypsy caravan. Dancing is one of them, specifically the tiganza. The tiganza is seduction itself, designed to make the blood boil. It is a little bit magical in its ability to fill someone's mind with passionate thoughts. Though this is not something she has shared even with her foster brother and former lover, Kurt, Amanda did master the dance when she was young. Mastering this complex dance has made it easier for her over the years to pick up the lesser dances that are popular in most social settings.
It was revealed to Jimaine by Margali when she was younger that she would one day have to face Belasco, a demon sorcerer. Over the years, she has taken what opportunities she could to study the ways of demons in preparation for the time when that confrontation would come. She even knows the true names of a few lesser demons for the purpose of summoning or banishing them as needed.
Amanda has learned about some other dimensions such as Crystalium. She is aware that other dimensions lay directly alongside hers in spacetime. Likewise she is aware that most magicians who have any dimensional magic can create a safe pocket dimension to retreat to in times of danger. She has been taught how to scry out the 'signature' of any dimension which she comes into contact with.
Amanda has traveled to many of the countries of the world and knows a smattering of words in just about any earthborn tongue you can name. Her native tongue is German though she can now speak English without an accent. She also speaks the Romani language fluently and can communicate with any gypsies she might come across with no difficulty if they know the tongue as well. She reads both English and German fluently and both speaks and reads the arcane language in which many spells are written.
Though she has mostly fills her time with traveling, there has nevertheless been some down time in her life. Since she cannot spend all of it studying the mystic arts, especially not when she keeps pretending to have retired from using magic until circumstances force her to it again. So Amanda likes to carry a good book along with her to pass the time when she is between flights and there is not enough time to explore. Or when she takes time to be with someone and finds that person unavailable for whatever reason. In doing so, she has managed to become conversant with several of the great works of literature in her time. Of course those were the literature of her Earth not 616.
Part of her training as a girl was the care and feeding of a variety of magical creatures, dragons included. She has no idea whether or not the majority of these creatures were real or fantastical, but she has yet to run across and sort of mystical creature whose nature and preferred foods she was not aware of.
Amanda knows a good deal about the history of magic in general and the Winding Way in particular even though she does not follow it as a path of additional mystic empowerment. She is capable of reading a new spell should she come across it and learning how to use the spell. Also, given the tools she already has, she is capable of devising a new spell for a particular task though the process would be long and the resulting spell might be so specific as to be good only for a single use or against a single target.
Though she cannot use her magic to heal directly, Amanda has been known to create restorative potions for everything from hangovers to physical and emotional abuse to the common cold. In general this requires only a store of herbs and the time to mix them together properly, but potion making is a lot like cooking. Given time, a good cook can come up with a new recipe and if given a recipe can follow it and improve upon it. In the same way, Amanda would be able to brew any potion she has the recipe and necessary ingredients for even if it was not a potion she had originally learned and knows by heart.
Amanda grew up in a circus. She was part of one of the star attractions of the circus. Of necessity she learned how to give an audience a good show even when she didn't particularly feel like putting on a good show. She understands how timing and just the right amount of flair go together to make an act that is remembered. Every now and again, she cannot help using this knowledge when she does her magic to impress people with her skills.
Amanda learned long ago how to take the pieces of spells she had been given and weave them together to make greater spells or to alter the variables of a spell in order to make them useful in a new set of circumstances that was never considered when the spell was originally devised. Even though Amanda does not practice as much as she should with her magic, the ability has become nearly effortless or her. If she knows a spell, there are few circumstances that would prevent her from being able to cast it. She has developed an almost innate ability to weave her spells together to accomplish what she wants in the time she wants it. With the most basic spells this process is so effortless that Amanda sometimes is not even fully aware she's done it until afterwards.
Amanda Sefton was a "Senior in-flight Passenger Service relations interface manager" as she has been known to call it on occasion. Flight attendant is the preferred title, but people still end up calling it stewardessing. As such she has received training in how to handle hostage situation. She is trained in the art of keeping passengers aboard a flight comfortable no matter what occurs and is good enough at that job to have earned that senior in front of her title. She has in the past frequently been the senior-most stewardess on board and consequently in charge. She almost always served in the first class cabin which means knowing how to mix a good drink when the passenger asks for it, but above all, it means being personable even when stressed, calm in a crisis and capable of making some of the most stubborn and unruly people in the world back down without feeling like they have been bullied.
Scrying is something of an art. Even if you know the proper spell, you cannot always get it show you anything valuable because it requires focus and practice to learn how to pinpoint what you are looking for. And even when you know what you are doing it still takes appropriate amounts of time and concentration unless you have lots of power behind your spell. Amanda has had some practice with the ability, but not as much as she would have liked. She can scry out something if she really needs to, but often times it is just easier to do things the mundane way.
Amanda's particular variety of magic does not work at its best when used directly against cold iron. Cold iron is defined as any metal composed substantially (Better than half) or wholly of iron ore and its direct products iron and steel. The spell that will bind even the strongest man helpless will shatter and break eventually when applie to a cyborg because the magic cannot stop his steel mechanisms from moving. All non-ferrous metals pose no such problems.
Amanda never learned any spells which could be used to kill someone. There have been times when Amanda was sorry about this fact but she never asked her mother to correct this lack nor did she seek to devise such spells of her own.
Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler is Amanda's one true love. When they were children, they vowed "Any time, any thing, any where." Even though she is no longer on her earth and it is no longer her Kurt, for Amanda there is no more binding vow. She will answer a call for help from Kurt Wagner no matter the personal cost to herself. She could never knowingly allow Kurt to come to harm, so Kurt's enemies are effectively hers as well.
Amanda has a sorcerous aura about her that is able to be sensed by creatures of a mystical nature where this be other mystics, demons, dragons or other assorted varieties of magical animals.
While Amanda can use her magic to teleport herself almost anywhere she wishes, there is a rather large drawback. It isn't stealthy. Indeed there is a sound of magic in the air like a thousand harps playing at once and a bright (often pink and gold) visible signature that accompanies her arrivals and fades out as the magic drifts away. In addition, any technology designed to detect energy signatures can detect the energy gathering at her entry point just before she appears.
Amanda spends long periods of time not practicing her magic because she has seen what an obsession with magic did to her mother and she wants to be certain she has a life of her own outside of magic to avoid such an obsession. These unused mystical energies float in Amanda's mystic aura at all times and have a tendency to attract odd events to her. These weird events can take all forms and tend to be negative but even when they aren't entirely negative, they make Amanda's life just a little more exciting than she generally likes.