Blackout |
Name: | Marcus "Marc" Daniels |
Gender: | Male |
Place of Birth: | not listed (on Earth-1987) |
Age: | 30s |
Aliases: | Blackout |
Origin: | Altered Human |
Origin Earth: | 1987 |
Present Location: | New York City |
Occupation: | Criminal |
Team: | none |
Alignment: | Neutral |
Significant Other(s): | none listed |
Powers and Abilities: | Darkforce generation and manipulation |
Portrayed by: | Patrick Brennan |
Marcus 'Marc' Daniels was a petty criminal with a good education. He grew up in Alphabet City, Manhattan and had loving parents. His formative years found him in with the wrong crowd and subsequent trouble with the authorities. By the time he was 18, he had been in and out of the criminal justice system 4 times (juvenile hall 3). When he turned 18, Judge Holly Kincaide summoned him to her court. There she laid out Marc's possible future if he didn't straight up and fly right. Marc took her words to heart and decided that college would be his next big score.
Marc found his footing at New York University where he would study physics. There he met a girl, fell in love, and spent the next four years achieving something he never imagined, true happiness. The girl was a music major and cellist named Audrey Nathan <a nod to Haven>. They had plans to get married during the autumn after their graduation in the spring. Graduation came, and Marc obtained a job working in a lab. The lead scientist and goal of the lab was to harness a theoretical extra-dimensional substance called Darkforce. The experiments seemed to be going in the right direction until an explosion in the lab. Marc fell victim to the explosion and was knocked into a coma.
The coma for Marc was no picnic. Instead of being a restful sleep or total loss of time, he was plagued with vivid dreams of the Darkforce. It haunted him and he would try to elude it. However, it would finally capture Marc and become part of his very being; Corrupting his every thought and every aspect of the dreamscape. He learned to control the darkforce, to be one with it, to do with it what he desired.
Until one day, Marc awoke from his nightmare <or did he?>. His first thoughts were of Audrey. However, it was revealed that he had been in a coma for nearly 10 years. The nurse gave him an envelope. Within was a letter from Audrey. It read that she was sorry for leaving his side, but life for her had to continue. She would always love him dearly, yet she cannot put her life on hold any longer. Marc was torn between rage and heartbreak.
That's when it happened. Suddenly the entire coma center was encased within a darkforce cube. It emanated from Marc himself and he suddenly realized that all the dreams were more than just dreams. He had been connected to the darkforce dimension in the explosion back at the lab. He was changed.
Marc left the coma center and found his way into the world. It had significantly changed, so had he. His first thought was to seek out Audrey. His lost love. Show her that he was out of the coma, that he was better, that he was different. He went to her parent's home and discovered she had gotten a job with the Portland Symphony Orchestra. Her parents were disturbed that Marc had come out of his coma, yet they were happy he had made his recovery. They informed him that she was /with/ someone now and that it's probably best he not seek her out. This enraged Marc and he unleashed the darkforce upon them, nearly killing them while laying waste to their house.
Having an intimate knowledge of how his powers worked, he instinctively opened a portal into the darkforce dimension and traveled through it to Portland where he sought out the location where the orchestra rehearsed and confronted Audrey. She was shocked and saddened that she moved on with her life. In their conversation, she made it clear that she had moved on and apologized for what had happened. Marc didn't overtly understand nor was he keen on accepting the situation. It was at that moment she received a phone call from the authorities back in New York about her parents and the police arrived on the scene. The police had all intents to take Marc into custody for they were informed by neighbors what had happened back at Audrey's parent's house. Marc freaked and fled the scene.
Wanted by the police for crimes that he accidently committed led Marc on a journey that he never planned or wanted for himself. He was a wanted man and unable to use his real name and struggled with gainful employment. He did what he could to get by but eventually gave into the temptation of using his powers to acquire necessary things. Those brief necessities quickly were overrun with greed as it became obvious to Marc how easy it was to get what he wanted.
He was never truly a supervillain in the costume wearing, superhero battling, epic altercation definitions. He kept to the shadows, remained low key, and utilized his teleportation and power set for all of his jobs. For example, instead of rushing into a bank in the middle of the day with powers blazing, Marc would wait until the middle of the night, teleport directly into the bank vault, take what he wanted, and teleport away. It made him want for little - except for his past and all the dreams he once had.
Over time, Marc became very good at what he was doing. Teleportation and access to the Darkforce Dimension allowed him access, storage, and a place to sleep if need be. It also provided him the hideout every supervillain dreams of. A place where he was untouchable.
That was until he attracted the wrong sort of attention. UNTIL had been monitoring Marc for some time and using their amazing resources; they finally caught up to and captured him within a dimensionally shielded trap.
Recognizing the value of that they had, UNTIL knew that Marc and his abilities could be useful. This was contingent upon whether or not he would agree to their terms. Yes, Marc had a troubled youth. But he had turned his life around. At least until the accident. UNTIL also recognized that his outburst and struggle with Audrey (et al) was an emotional reaction to discovering everything in his world had changed. UNTIL also understood that Marc had done no harm to anyone during his years being a super criminal. Therefore, they made him an offer. Marc instantly agreed.
Marc joined the superhuman division of UNTIL. He began his training and within a few months he was transferred onto a covert operative team based in New York where his life would now open up to new adventures and new challenges.
This would all fade when the Secret Wars began. He found himself amid the resistance against the god Doom. This was short lived and he ended up dead. Until he awoke to find himself walking down a street in New York City in what would soon be revealed as a strange new world (the 616).
Marc had a degree in physics from New York University (his own world). He uses his brain over raw brawn and considers options before rushing into any situation. He would much rather communicate in hostile situations than be involved in exchanging blows.
Marc spent the better part of 10 years in a coma. He lost most of his hopes and dreams. It wasn't until recently that there was a light at the end of the darkforce tunnel. Even though that light was UNTIL's deal that he couldn't refuse. That was a great future until the Secret Wars. Now, with a new universe in front of him, Marc still skeptical of his future. He still has hopes, dreams, and desires, but he doesn't truly believe they will come true. Therefore, Marc struggles to latch onto something or someone for fear of the eventual crumbling of that bond.
The dreams Marc had while in the coma affected him deeper than he knows. He can still hear whispers of those dreams, as if something from within the darkness still communicates to him. This causes him to act erratically at times with a flinch, a tic, or some distracting action that pulls him away from his focus. This could become a serious issue if allowed to persist.
Marc has a tendency to become obsessed on a particular subject, object, or person. It's not compulsive at this point, other than he tends to be one sighted or one directional when something particular catches his attention.
Currently, Marc is in need of a means to survive and that will make him resort to his original thieving habits utilizing his darkforce to get into areas he shouldn't be. After he gets established, a place to live, a comfortable bank account, etc, he will start looking into real employment. Both situations will find him encountering others who may wish to challenge or join his behaviors.
Marc once enjoyed his position in the lab, his position with UNTIL and he was in love during at least one of those times. Still, he desires the picket fence, the wife, the dog, and maybe kids. Goals for this character are simple and akin to the motivations. He's interested in acquiring a new life and won't stop until he gets it. He's off UNTIL's chain so he's going to enjoy his new freedom and may find like minds to share it with. Or he may run into people who knew his 616 self. Which may be bad.
Darkforce is an extradimensional energy and matter (depending on the needs of the user). The darkforce dimension is a pocket dimension that overlays the main dimension of the universe. When Marc was exposed to the energies in the explosion several years ago, every cell in his body was transformed; giving him the ability to not only channel darkforce energy, but to manipulate it in unique ways.
The very basic and raw use of his power, Marc is able to project his darkforce energy to strike targets and do significant damage. He is able to easily level a modern brick home, rend titanium steel, or blow holes in reinforced concrete. The attack can either be in a direct beam or a cone (area effect). It reaches up to 100 yards and can be in the form of pure energy or concussive force, depending on Marc's desires.
[[Marc is able to coat himself in a thickened and hardened form of his darkforce energy. The armor is able to resist the penetrating force of tank shells and high damaging energy attacks (not light). The force from any punch, explosion, or direct attack is distributed throughout the place targeted. It reduces the force, however it doesn't always reduce the total damage done. Marc can still have broken bones, bruising, and whatnot if he has not fully hardened the armor in the strike point. He also utilizes a black darkforce shield akin to that of Captain America. But he does not throw it. The darkforce itself is nigh indestructible. However, that does not mean it cannot be shattered or torn.
It is noted that Marc will take x2 effect/stun/damage from light based attacks.
Marc is able to create nearly indestructible, non mechanical, constructs. From simple devices such as forks, knives, plates, Frisbees, swords, shields, sticks, to full structures that are larger than the Stark Mansion. He is also able to alter the density of created objects from that of vapor to nearly that of diamond. The created items, like his armor, remain active even if he is knocked out or killed. However, the darkforce material slowly evaporates over the years back into the darkforce dimension.
Marc has the ability of flight by creating disks beneath his feet or a larger disk beneath himself and/or a group of people. His maximum speeds are nearly 350 miles per hour and he can maintain said speeds for many hours before fatiguing.
Blending the abilities of darkforce projection and item creation, Marc is able to project various attacks that entangle opponents. These entangles can range from binding bands to full encapsulated blocks of darkforce. The entangle is able to resist damage just as Marc's armor and can resist several hundred tons of force.
Marc is able to open portals into the darkforce dimension and travel through. In this, he is able to take others with him and even use the portal as a weapon/trap. The maximum diameter of a portal that Marc can create is 25 feet. Traveling via the darkforce dimension gives Marc the ability to open a portal in New York, step inside, move through a short distance, and then open another portal in a remote region of the world such as China. Marc is able to blind teleport since he has a sense of where he is in the darkforce dimension in relation to the Earth dimension. He cannot teleport into secret bases, private areas, and specifically unknown locations. But if he wanted to go to the Great Wall of China, that's just a few steps for him. Using the portals as a trap or a weapon is two-fold. If the Juggernaut was charging, Marc could open a portal in front of the man in his path and inches away to entrap him. He could also use the portal as quicksand and once a target it lodged half way within, the portal could be closed thus cutting the target in half.
Marc is able to engulf a 100x100x100 yard area with darkness. This is inky black and completely resistant to normal light based sight. Due to the fact that Marc is so intertwined with the darkforce, he is immune to the darkness. He is also able to deepen shadows, manipulate the dampening of normal light, and conceal himself or items.
Due to his experience, training, and use of darkforce, Marc is quite adept at stealth, shadowing, and sneaking. In his world, he was trained as a subversive operative and was the one to get in, extract a package, and get out. He is elusive and trained to stay in the shadows.
Marc has obtained a 4 year degree in physics from New York University. This allows him all the rights and privileges that such a degree can afford; which is very little. He can be a lab tech, a research assistant, or a high school teacher if he were to get a teaching certificate.
He understands the tactics, systems, and operations therein and is able to apply this knowledge within or without the inner workings of a tactical organization such as SHIELD or HYDRA.
Marc has been trained in basic combat and self defense. These are last ditch skills for he is an operative that should never engage the enemy. He normally operates on a 'get in, get the information, and get out' standard. Should he ever find direct combat, he will use his energy projection and do what has been trained, escape.
There's really not that much breaking, but a whole lot of entering. Marc has experience and training in getting into places utilizing his darkforce teleportation. This skill is very handy when he wishes to liberate things or people. He's gotten good at avoiding cameras, discerning wall depths, and not breaking things when coming and going.
Marc, his constructs, and his armor take x2 damage, stun, and effect from light based attacks (photons, visible spectrum). The light based attacks cause his darkforce to evaporate and disintegrate at a higher rate. Normally if he were to construct a 10x10x10 ft cube of darkforce and leave it unmaintained, it would evaporate back into the darkforce dimension within a year due to normal sunlight. If that same structure were attacked by Dazzler's light emission, it is likely that (if not hardened) the structure would disintegrate within seconds.
Marc is monitored by SHIELD and other law enforcement departments. The original Blackout was a criminal and a member of the Masters of Evil. Now Marc inherits the shadow of his former self. He is on many lists to apprehend and detain.
The Darkforce dimension is considered sentient by many who have studied it. Since the dimension and energy has become a large part of Marc's being, he is influenced by dimension. It is a purely alien consciousness and cannot be understood or translated by the human mind. However it does have 'moods' and these moods can take over Marc's better judgment.
=========================[ +sheet for Blackout (BO) ]=========================
Real Name: Marcus "Marc" Daniels Age: 30s
Codename: Blackout Gender: Male
Sessions: 0 Approved On: Tue Jun 21 20:27:23 2016
F: Excellent (20) Health: 110/110
A: Incredible (40) Karma: 40
S: Good (10) Resources: (0)
E: Incredible (40) Popularity:
R: Good (10) Experience: 0
I: Excellent (20) Initiative: +1
P: Good (10) Movement: 3
==================================< POWERS >==================================
Darkforce Manipulation…………………………….. Monstrous (80)
Body Armor……………………………………… Fantastic (60)
Create Darkness…………………………………. Monstrous (80)
Dimensional Travel………………………………. Monstrous (80)
Entangle……………………………………….. Monstrous (80)
Flight…………………………………………. Remarkable (30)
Item Creation…………………………………… Monstrous (80)
Projection……………………………………… Monstrous (80)
=================================< TALENTS >==================================
Crime……………………………………………. Excellent (20)
Operations……………………………………….. Good (10)
Physics………………………………………….. Excellent (20)
Stealth………………………………………….. Remarkable (30)
==================================< FLAWS >===================================
Darkforce Corruption Light Based Attacks
=================================< CONTACTS >=================================
ARMOR RATINGS: Energy: 60 Mental: 0 Physical: 60
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