Cable |
Name: | Nathan Dayspring |
Gender: | Male |
Place of Birth: | New York |
Age: | 36 |
Aliases: | Nathan Summers, Askani'son, Chosen One |
Origin: | Mutant Cyborg |
Origin Earth: | 4935 |
Present Location: | Ship, Tropical Island |
Occupation: | Mercenary |
Team: | X-men |
Alignment: | Lawful Neutral |
Significant Other(s): | Significant Other(s) |
Powers and Abilities: | Telekinesis, Telepathy, Cyborg Physique, Enhanced Senses, Technopathy, Teleportation |
Portrayed by: | Adam Baldwin |
Part One
The birth of Nathan "Cable" Dayspring was no accident.
Nathaniel "Mr. Sinister" Essex realised that a union between Scott Summers and Jean Grey would produce a genetically superior mutant child, so he cloned Grey — naming her Madelyne Pryor — and orchestrated a meeting between her and Summers. They quickly fell in love, married, and soon afterward… they had a son, Nathan Christopher Charles Summers. Pryor and Summers raised the baby until demonic influences manipulated Pryor into trying to open a portal between Earth and Limbo, a dimension of demons — by sacrificing Nathan. These efforts were thwarted by Summers and his team-mates, both in X-Factor and the X-Men.
The child was taken to X-Factor's sentient starship — called 'Ship' — to hopefully grow up in relative safety, away from demons, demon-possessed mothers and agents of Sinister. Scott and a recently returned Jean Grey cared for the boy, even though Sinister managed to kidnap him yet again, and experiment on him.
It had been Mr. Sinister's intention to turn Nathan into a weapon he could use against his former master, Apocalypse. Apocalypse, however, learned of this and infected Nathan with a techno-organic virus that would consume and kill him. To save the child's life, Scott Summers agreed to let allies, members of Clan Askani take Nathan 2000 years into the future — to 'Askani World' or Earth-4935 — a time in which technology existed to treat, if not cure, the virus.
Part Two
Mother Askani (a time-displaced version of Nathan's half-sister, Rachel Summers) drew the psyches of Scott and Jean into the future, to raise the boy as 'Nathan Dayspring', son of 'Slym and Red Dayspring'. They taught him to use his powers — both telekinetic and telepathic — to hold the virus at bay, and Nathan developed into great warrior. They called him Askani'son, and Chosen One, a prophesised saviour and defeater of Apocalypse… Nathan even married, and raised a son — Tyler — while living in this future timeline, although sorrow dogged his steps, striking hard against his family.
In case their efforts to save Dayspring from the virus had failed, Mother Askani had cloned Nathan. That clone was then taken by disciples of Apocalypse, who raised him as his own. He called the clone 'Stryfe'. It was Stryfe who murdered Nathan's wife, and turned his own son, Tyler, against him. In pursuit of his evil clone, Nathan returned to the Past and founded numerous teams to fight his enemies (not only Stryfe but Sinister and Apocalypse as well). He took the name 'Cable' to symbolise his link between the Past and the Future.
That is how he remembers it, in any case. The events surrounding Dayspring's arrival in the Present blur together for him, as a result of the Multiverse collapsing. He knows he thwarted Stryfe… perhaps, and that he was able to rescue his son, and return him to the future. He knows he has met the X-Men (as an adult now, rather than as a child)… It could be those were the actions of 'another Cable', and THIS one was simply pulled from 'Askani World' (i.e. Earth-4935) to Earth-616…
Regardless of the 'how', Cable is here now, and the world still needs savin'.
Arguably, more than anything else, Nathan Dayspring is a man o' war. He was trained from a young age to fight, but that would only justify a single aspect of what it means to be a soldier. Mr. Sinister tried to turn him into a living weapon, which is something else again. Dayspring learned to take orders, to act, to 'get it done', but he also learned to *give* orders, to *decide* — to make the 'tough call' as any leader should. This, he has done, and he lives with the decisions he has made.
Family Man
One might not think it to look at him, but Nathan Dayspring has a softer side to him — well, a 'less hardened side'. While living in the 39th Century, he found love, he married, he raised a son. He learned about devotion and sacrifice from his parents, as well as from his guardians.
Cable was raised in a 'possible future', in which Apocalypse reigned supreme — that, and he has also had to make a number of 'tough calls' over the years. Even the 'wins' exact a price, which is not something many folk realise. That price shows in his demeanour, which can be quite dour at times.
Trust has to be earned. Cable, more than most, makes one work for it. That said, when he does give his trust and/or respect, or loyalty to someone… he means it. He can be one's staunchest ally, or most relentless foe.
Dayspring is not really one to talk unless he has something to say. He likes to make every word count, if he can, and prefers deeds to words, anyway. He respects that in other people as well.
It has to be done. The tough call has to be made. The price has to be paid…. and he is one willing to pay it. It is a big, big uni-/multi-verse (even after the collapse), and it is full of terrors waiting to prey upon the weak and the strong alike. Someone has to stand up to them, and Nathan Dayspring has been raised to challenge the 'Apocalypse' since birth.
There are bad guys, monsters, aliens etc who need to be stopped; Cable intends to stop them. Immediately upon entering the grid, that would be his primary goal. After that, there's the matter of making a life for himself in the 21st century, particularly since a lot of the timelines/alternate Earths to which he could have travelled previously are now… gone. Cable would (theoretically) have a slightly more… informed perspective on what has befallen the multiverse, even if it does not go past the notion of 'seeing threads cut' (as opposed to knowing exactly what happened). He has friends here and now, and they need him. There are enemies — not just monsters, but personal nemeses — that need ending: Apocalypse, Stryfe, Sinister… to name a few. The war never ends; there are only new battles.
When it comes to fighting new battles, Cable would absolutely be interested in putting a team together for that very purpose (either joining one, or building one). To be an X-man is one thing; to have a squad of elite badasses is another (like X-Factor… or X-Force).
Dayspring's primary 'power' is his telekinesis, however much of it is directed (even subconsciously) at suppressing the techno-organic virus threatening to take over his body. Even so, Dayspring is highly trained in the use of his abilities, and can manipulate multiple objects at once with his mind - with great delicacy and efficiency. He is able to levitate himself and others, form psychokinetic shields, psionic 'spikes', and throw people, objects, vehicles etc — all with his mind. To attempt anything more than this (or to do it for too long), would tax his energy reserves and leave the virus in his body to do more damage. Because of this, Cable tends to rely on his guns and other technology to do most of his damage-dealing, and employs his telekinetic powers for tactical advantages wherever/whenever ideal.
Nathan Dayspring is a trained telepath, even if his potential is limited. While it is speculated that he could some day match the capabilities of other, more powerful telepaths, much of his concentration goes toward suppressing the techno-organic virus in his system. Regardless, Dayspring can read weaker minds, implant suggestions, project psychic bolts and create psy-shields. Overuse causes him migraines, however.
Cyborg Physique
Partly due to his cybernetic left arm and leg, and partly due to his extensive military training, Nathan is much stronger, faster, agile and durable than even the finest athlete human. He will not be leaping any tall buildings in a single bound, but if he needed to lift a car or bash in a wall… he could. Nate's control over the virus and his own body affords him some healing abilities as well - by 'encouraging' his body to heal faster. Thanks to his cybernetic left eye, Summers also has enhanced eyesight - able to zoom in on faraway objects, and cycle through other wavelengths in the spectrum of light (such as UV, infrared, gamma, radio…).
Thanks to his techno-organic arm and telekinesis, Cable is able to interface with most machines, computers etc… to either take control of them, or (more commonly) to learn information. This ability is not without cost as it requires him to tread a fine line with managing the techno-organic virus.
Built into his cybernetic enhancements, Dayspring has a Teleportation Matrix (called Bell) that enables him to travel the globe with relative ease. The matrix only has enough power for a handful of teleports before requiring a recharge. Nathan is able to take a couple of people with him.
Askani Code
The Code of the Askani is not merely a standard of conduct or conceptual framework, it is a source of mental, physical and spiritual focus that enables Dayspring - the prophesised Askani'son - to hone his powers as masterfully as he does. It is also a philosophy that offers practical and strategic solutions to dealing with just about any crisis. Constant meditation and inner training lie at its core, and it focuses upon 'what is' rather than 'what should have been' - i.e. 'do not question or lament what happens: react to it, solve it, and move on'. This largely sums up who Nathan Dayspring is.
Advanced Tech
Cable has access to the technology he brought with him from the future, but (more importantly) to his in-depth UNDERSTANDING of that technology and how to use it. He is consequently able to fashion similar tech from contemporary resources in order to achieve significant results.
Psimitar - this weapon in particular deserves a more detailed explanation: it is of Askani design, forged of an unknown mineral that allows Cable to channel his psionic powers through it. The psimitar is also able to change shape, project energy, and allow Cable to better manage/vent his powers without burning himself out. It is keyed to him, specifically.
Cable has allies in the Present, as well as safe-houses and weapons-caches hidden all over the world. He is not the most trusting sort, and likes to be prepared for every contingency if at all possible. If one should need big guns in a big crisis - go to Cable. He has plenty.
'Ship' is a sentient, monolith-like starship originally built by a race of beings called the Celestials, and later 'appropriated' by Apocalypse, before being liberated by a young Nathan Dayspring/Cable and his allies.
At this present moment, Ship is a wreck — floating off the coast of an island in the tropics. Cable can still bodyslide to him as he needs, but Ship will take time and resources to repair. Cable is also unable to timeslide to the future to get more advanced tech (for said repairs), making this job that much harder.
Nathan Dayspring is the consummate soldier. He has been trained in more than one timeline to be something of a living weapon — with the eventual goal in mind of defeating Apocalypse himself. He is a crackshot with any of his guns, from handcannons to rifles, and larger ordnances, and master of various melee weapons (particularly the psimitar). His favoured style of combat can be attributed to the warriors of the Askani, who oversaw most of his training.
Tactics & Survival
Warfare is something for which Dayspring was bred. In conjunction with his fighting skills, he has had extensive training and experience as a military strategist. It is not all about guns and explosions, but taking what one has, and what one knows and turning it into an effective weapon. He also has experience as a team leader in multiple timelines, and is a born survivalist.
Most of Nathan's experience with aircraft, spacecraft and other vehicles comes from the Future. He can access information about these things in the Present, and still has a formidable degree of skill in this area. When it comes to traversing the cosmos (in Ship), he can rely on his vessel — who is sentient — to handle the astrogation.
History and Law
This works against Cable as well as for him, due to the fact that after the Secret Wars, the multiverse collapsed and entire timelines were wiped out. History is not quite what he remembers, and the Futures he has been anticipating all along… who is to say? Nevertheless, Cable is still a student (now, more than ever) of time, and it shows. He also holds a Law-degree.
Techno-Organic Virus
This 'cancer' in Dayspring's system is the constant, proverbial thorn in his side. It makes him stronger, but at the cost of threatening to take him over. If he is not careful, the virus could infect other people - luckily, he keeps it in check at all times. Should it ever 'win', Cable would cease to be and instead he would become a techno-organic weapon of mass destruction - hell-bent on advancing Apocalypse's regime across the Earth. Suppressing the virus is the reason Cable does not have greater use of his telepathic and telekinetic powers - otherwise he would be an insanely powerful mutant. As it is… without a cure, the virus is still slowly killing him.
Man o' War
Cable was raised in wartime, and as such has a very different outlook on life (compared to most people). He has no time for politics, bureaucracy, petty issues or reality TV (which is probably a strength, not a flaw). He is curt with people, rude and seemingly uncaring. He is slow to trust, quick to judge and unapologetic. In short - he can be a real ass. He is also a man of honour, courage, loyalty and purpose - and should the need arise, he would gladly lay down his life for the sake of others.
As enemies go… Cable has hit the jackpot. To have someone like Apocalypse out for one's blood - one's SOUL, rather - is a huge deal, and Cable has made a point of vexing En Sabah Nur at each and every opportunity. True, he has other enemies (some of them very close to 'home'), but none quite like Apocalypse and Clan Akkaba.
Cable is a man out of his own time. True, he has detailed knowledge of this century but that is not the same as having lived in it all of one's life. He comes to blows with Present Day society frequently, often proving a danger to people as well as a saviour. He is something of a loner, too - slow to trust, preferring solitude frequently. Being a man out of his own time would only make this worse.
With the crash of the multiverse, and other 'technical' glitches of a 'wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey' nature, Cable is currently TIME-LOCKED. Barring a major, cosmic event he cannot timeslide (but he can bodyslide - i.e. teleport).
Just look for the big guy with a metal arm, white hair and a glowing eye… and that rather narrows it down. Cable cannot easily hide - if at all! - in society, and it makes him all too easy to find… by both his friends and his enemies.
Cable is a known mercenary across several timelines… or, he was until the multiverse crashed. Now, it is unclear just how notorious he really is. Some will remember him — some won't. He is a hardbitten man, a warrior-born, loyal friend and fierce enemy.
Logs from October 2016 and later are from different players of this character