Early Life|o Born a member of the Inhuman royal family and exposed to the mists as an infant. Spent her childhood and youth fleeing war in Attilan and searching for her missing older sister throughout the world.
o Finds her sister with the Fantastic Four, beginning a romantic relationship with Johnny Storm and even acting as a member of the team for a time.
o Returns to Attilan when the pollution of the outside world gets to be too much for her. On the way, she finds an injured Quicksilver and nurses him back to health, leading to a romantic relationship and eventually marriage.
o Has a daughter, Luna, who seems to be neither mutant nor Inhuman. Crystal convinces Quicksilver to let her grow up normal, but it creates a strain in their marriage, causing her to take Luna with her to rejoin the Fantastic Four.
o She and Quicksilver maintain an off-again on-again relationship as she works with the Avengers and her family in Attilan.
Tragedy and Rebirth|o When Quicksilver was depowered, he stole terrigen in an attempt to restore the powers of mutants. He also exposed Luna to the mists, considering it her right. Unfortunately, as Crystal had feared, their daughter didn't survive the experience.
o Crystal's marriage to Quicksilver is dissolved, and she throws herself into her role as princess, helping the Inhumans and agreeing to a political marriage to Ronan the Accuser.
o Crystal is named the Inhuman ambassador to humanity, and takes on an important role helping to locate Nuhumans and help them adjust.
o She's not entirely sure what happened, but it seems that in a routine teleport with Lockjaw, she ended up here…where things are not quite the same.
PRINCESS|When it comes down to it, Crystal is a member of the Inhuman royal family. With that comes a sense of noblesse oblige, of responsibility to her own people in particular, but to the world as a whole as well. It means she's always thinking about the political ramifications of what's happening, whether or not she acts accordingly.
ADVENTUROUS|Even though she's a princess, Crystal lives for adventure. Whether it's a natural trait or because of her youth spent traveling the world, she's not afraid of new things. In fact, she's driven to explore them, reveling in the excitement of discovery and the rush of a challenge.
RELATABLE|Crystal's sister must be the queen, and her brother-in-law is limited by his powers. Her cousins are visibly strange to the human eye. But Crystal often serves as the approachable member of the royal family. She's naturally personable, but being pushed into the role of ambassador has forced her to embrace that part of her personality. She's skilled at reading people and responding appropriately, knows how to be inspiring, and generally is viewed with affection by those around her. During her time with Ronan, she even earned the name of the people's princess.
PASSIONATE|Crystal is a passionate woman. She loves quickly, easily, and deeply, and has a temper to match sometimes. It's a gift when it comes to dealing with people, but it cuts both ways. Sometimes her temper gets the better of her, and loving people means they can hurt you.
Motivation|Crystal is motivated by the need to represent and protect her people first, and a hunger for adventure second.
Goals|Crystal's goal now is to figure out where she ended up, locate her family, and make sure that all of them are safe and well. After that, she wants to continue doing as she has been, representing the Inhumans in a positive light to the rest of the world.
Inhuman|As an inhuman, Crystal has an enhanced physiology. Endurance, reflexes, speed, and strength are all at a level just slightly above peak human condition.
AIR|Crystal can mentally manipulate the element of air. She's able to control wind well enough to allow herself and others to fly, and is also able to create force fields. These force fields are capable of being selective, allowing certain things through while keeping others out. She's able to manipulate air at up to 115 miles per hour, and can affect the element up to 30 miles away.
EARTH|Crystal is able to mentally manipulate the element of earth, which includes metallic and organic elements commonly found in bedrock. She's able to cause tremors up to a 6.7 on the Richter scale, and has even been able to support the city of Attilan for a significant period of time.
WATER|Crystal is able to mentally manipulate the element of water. She's both able to control existing water and to create water both from ambient humidity and from hydrogen and oxygen molecules in the surrounding area, up to several thousand gallons worth. Her control is precise, and extends to turning the water she controls to ice.
FIRE|Crystal is able to mentally manipulate the element of fire. She can shape it to her will, fire blasts of it, grow it, and douse existing flames. With this power comes an immunity to the element.
CROSS-ELEMENTAL CONTROL|By combining her control over the four main elements, Crystal is able to influence electricity (forming lightning bolts she can control), magnetics (to the extent of changing the polarity of metals in her control), and thermal powers (heating or cooling by controlling the activity of elemental atoms).
ELEMENTAL AWARENESS|Due to her ability to control the elements, Crystal is also sensitive enough to them to be able to judge things like windspeed, the amount of moisture in the air, movement in the air or water around her, or if a soil sample is from a different area.
LOCKJAW|Although he's not generally immediately at hand (giant bulldogs draw a lot of attention on the city street), Crystal can call on Lockjaw for transportation to teleport her at need. Granted, considering that's how she ended up here in the first place, she's a little wary of taking advantage of it.
FRIENDS IN HEROIC PLACES|Crystal has been a member of both the Fantastic Four and the Avengers. While the people here may not be the ones she personally knew, she may be able to ask for favors or assistance from either group.
ROYAL FAMILY|If she can contact her family here, Crystal can call on the full resources of the Inhuman royal family, including technology, funds, and personnel support.
DIPLOMACY|Crystal is a skill diplomat, trained from an early age in appropriate behavior, negotiation, and everything that goes along with being a member of the royal family.
COMBAT|As a former member of both the Fantastic Four and the Avengers, and as a member of the royal family, Crystal has extensive training and experience in combat. Though she generally relies on her powers in a fight, she can hold her own in physical combat.
POLLUTION|While Crystal has been able to adjust to the ambient pollution on Earth to a certain degree, she is still vulnerable to its effects and needs to retreat regularly to more unspoiled areas of the world.
ROMANTIC ENTANGLEMENTS|Crystal has quite a list of former romantic partners, and not all of them have ended on good terms. She's a little bit older and wiser, but she still has a tendency to go all in, heart first, which can get her in trouble.
LIMITS|Crystal can maintain a major elemental phenomenon for about an hour, or a series of various effects for about 45 minutes before she starts to tire. While she can continue past this point, both strength and precision begin to suffer as a result.
PERSONAL LOSS|Crystal lost her daughter to her Quicksilver's attempt to activate powers in the girl. While she's tried to come to terms with it, it's still a sore spot for her and affects her decisions.