Tony Stark |
Name: | Anthony Edward Stark |
Gender: | Male |
Place of Birth: | Unknown |
Age: | 36 |
Aliases: | Tony |
Origin: | Human |
Origin Earth: | 314 |
Present Location: | New York City |
Occupation: | CEO Stark Industries |
Team: | None |
Alignment: | Alignment |
Significant Other(s): | unknown |
Powers and Abilities: | None |
Portrayed by: | Robert Downey, Jr. |
Anthony Edward Stark was born into money, but not into what most people would consider a loving family. The Stark's are intellectuals with a fortune built on the back of pushing the technological advance of human society beyond what was believable or even imaginable. What Tony saw as lack of affection was, in truth, his father trying to give him all the advances he himself never had.
But Tony was a prodogy. By the time he was seven, he'd already done more with engineering that students at MIT. He designed a completely self sufficient, fully realized, Artificial Intelligence by the age of twelve and found the solution to several of his father's unopperational prototypes.
The more Tony proved to be intellectually superior to those around him, the more distant his father seemed to be. The more insistant he was that Tony go to private schools all across the world and the more aloof the young Stark became. He grew bored with projects that were too simple to fully realize his intelligence and started turning to things that, to a young man with no discipline, seemed more entertaining… Or that he thought would get his father's attention.
By the age of 18 he was something of a celebrity, much to his parent's chagrin. Using his sizable allowance to make obtuse, often absurd, purchases for the sole intention of making his dad furious.
By the age of 20, Tony has six Master and three PhDs: Robotics, Engineering, and advanced nuclear science. He's become associated with technological advances in medical equipment and robotics. He's done wonders for advances in prosthesis, creating fully realized cybernetic limbs for wounded soldiers for Stark Industries. These prototypes have rocketed the company into billion dollar contracts with the United States Government as they continue to develop advanced weapons systems that revolutionize the way wars are fought. From new targeting systems for old models of missiles to unmanned combat platforms that will reshape the battlefield and preserve human lives, Stark Industries is the front runner in weapons development. The money garnered by these contracts used to advanced other technologies in the private sector.
Tony, at 25 years old, adopted the multi-billion dollar corperation when his father passed away at 75. Now the chairman and owner of Stark Industries, the aloof billionaire contiues to push the bar skyward with his research and development while trying to strike a balance with the image he's created for his private life. Tony is not the sum total of his parts, however. He has developed this personality for one purpose: angering his father… who is no longer there to be angry at all.
Tony is seemingly motivated by many things. Personal gain in the form of money and self-aggrandizement? He doesn't seem the type to want to better humanity, but in these last few months as he's seen the world turn over on its head, trying to keep the world from destroying itself one way or the other is what gets him out of bed every day.
Tony is reaching ever farther, trying to better his place in the world, to leverage Stark Industries into being the company that is not only a household name, but children will be named after it. 'Stark Industries Wilson'. Of course, he could go into the whole 'cure cancer' thing, or 'help the blind see again', but at this point, if he puts his mind to it? Child's play. Personally? As far as the player goes? I want to see him active and played. I want to foment RP and get someone like him out and on the grid!
Tony sees the big picture where others only see small steps towards a tiny end. He understands that burning down a forest can lead to increased vegitational growth so long as that burn is controlled… so everything is, ultimately, negociable.
Tony has a hand full of friends… a small handful. To them, he is painfully loyal, which can come in all shapes and sizes. But if you've won his trust, the doors are all but open to the kingdom and there's no ends he wont go to for you.
Tony believes that he's the center of the universe, even as he knows that he's not. He does things that make him appear as if he has no care outside his own self interests, but that's often for a specific, precise, and often over arching goal.
Tony's public image is a ''lie''. He is not a womanizer, he is not a hedonist. He has carefully constructed a public image to serve the singular purpose of keeping people at arm’s length and because he genuinely loves the challange when they underestimate him based on what the papers ''say''.
Tony wanted the attention of a father who seemed hell bent on spending every moment not paying attention. Every bad thing Tony has done, he did for that purpose. When his father passed away he was left with an empty hole in his heart that filled up with anger towards a man he barely knew except throught he stories of everyone telling him how great he was. Those honey colored tales have become barbed wire lies to the new head of the Stark Household, however. And there's no easier way to insight that fury than by bringing up the old man.
Tony is easily one of the smartest human beings on the planet. His brain opperates like a computer, consuming information in nanoseconds and processing it with a seeming whimsical, almost ludacris speed. He has no problem carrying on several scientific conversations at once, while putting calculating chemistry formula in his head, and watching 'Bridezilla'.
While he has no particular magical ability and certainly doesn't manifest any direct control over technology, people have started to wonder if perhaps he's not, himself, a mutant. He's not, he just understands machines on a viceral level. It's something on which he can always put all of his mind, the next great frontier. Which is one of the reasons that Stark Industries is the creame of the technology world and spoken in conjunction with several high profile patents that have net the company billions.
Tony has more money that he could ever reasonable spend, possibly even unreasonably spend. He has access to a personal fortune that has more zeros than most source codes and that's not even counting Stark Industries resources at his disposal. Houses, cars, clothes, singular invitations to the greatest galleries and all the best food… these are just some of the perks of being Tony Stark.
Stark Industries is a multi-national, multi billion dollars technology/weapons firm based in New York City. Aside from having access to all the technology produced, he also has unlimited resources with regards to creating new prototypes. This includes his own personal lab and the Penthouse atop the magnificent Stark Tower in Manhattan.
Virginia Potts is Tony's second set of eyes. There is no person on the face of the planet that has more clout in Stark Industries than does the Personal Assistant to the man on the Top Floor. Arguably, the day to day operations of the company might not run without her, or so the rumors around the water color would lead some to believe, but the truth isn't far off… Tony would be lost without Pepper. He would have to attend board meetings and charm investors. He would have to show up to public events that he scheduled himself… the anarchy of it is mind boggling.
A home, a bastion, and the center of technology coming out of New York City. The Tower is, itself, a living breathing thing. Almost all elements are controlled, in some form or another, by JARVIS, though he is yet a myth spoken about in hushed tons even within the company itself. Tony spends almost all of his time in the Tower, it's where he lives, works, and invents. It is also the home of an entire technical school, several floors dedicated specifically to various other avenues of business besides technology, and has its own hydroponic garden. It is a tourist attraction seen by millions annually with a full museum of some of Stark Industries past successes, including more than one from the late Howard Stark during the Cold War.
This is the most secure area of Stark Industries and doesn't even appear on public schematics of the building. It resides on the two floors directly beneath Stark's penthouse with a single access leading from Tony's living room. This is where he works, this is his think tank, and only two people have access to it… Tony and Pepper… besides JARVIS, of course. In this facility he has everything he would ever need to design, create, and prototype just about anything imaginable.
The brain of Stark Tower, the Artificial Awareness created by Tony Stark to act as confidant and consult in all the things he's done. The programming is still being upgraded, but JARVIS is capable of a rudementary form of logic based thought that allows him to make human like decisions that very closely resemble emotional responses. He's also an insufferable prick, while sounding overtly polite about it, but that's how he was coded… Right?
Even if Tony weren't a billionaire he's made a good use of his family name by establishing contacts with other business firms. He's world reknowned and something of a celebrity outside the business world as well, carefully manipulating the media to make himself something as close to a household name as he possibly can without actually starring in any television or movies, though he has had offers.
Tony is brilliant, but where his intelligence truly shines is in the realm of engineering and robotics. He can create things that appear as magical to the mundane out of what amounts to common household items and is almost always doing testing on the next big thing. He has entire divisions of Stark Industries assigned to research, but ultimately he is the deciding force in what does and does not become prototyped.
They will say Tony has no business accumen, but in the five years since he's been the CEO and Owner of Stark Industries, the market has literally boomed for the company. What was, essentially, a billion dollar weapons manufacturing firm is now a cross platform multi-national business titan. He's taken the company into all new, exciting, and almost mystical directions in the realms of technology and robotics and he's done so while appearing aloof and uncaring of the general state of his finances.
It's a Stark trait, really. Stark men are notoriously charming, whether they're seducing women or wrangling a board room. Tony uses that charm to great effect, often pulling magical business deals out of his hat at the last second or managing to, somehow, come out ahead of the curve on almost every endeavour he puts his full mind to.
Tony enjoys a stiff drink a little too often. While he hasn't blown over into full blown dependancy, he would still be considered a functional alcoholic. Even if he insists that he's a ''social'' drinker who happens to socially drink alone.
The real Tony Stark is aloof and cloistered. He doesn't trust people and probably has supremely low self esteem which is the major reason for his constant flattery and showboating. He doesn't put people down to make himself look better, but he is definitely ''that guy'' at the party. The one striving to be the center of attention… but then there's the other side of him that wants nothing to do with people. He'll go entire weeks without talking to a single human being, except Pepper and JARVIS.
They say that Albert Einstein forgot to wear socks. Tony Stark has several personality quirks that come with being far to intelligent for any one man. For one, he's OCD and does not like anything to be out of place… which is not to say that he's neat, which he most certainly is not. Only that he understands the order in his chaos. He can tell you exactly where a hairpin is on his cluttered desk, but if someone moves a glass out of place he's liable to freak out. He also doesn't like to be handed anything other than by Pepper Potts. While this isn't as obvious to some, since he's known to be excentric, it really and truly bothers him on a psychological level to be touched without his consent.
As carefully constructed a lie as his reputation might be, he is a victom of the success. People ''believe'' the hype. They think he is a womanizer, playboy, famboyant, and often hedonist spoiled brat. Some of that ''is'' true, to an extent, but only because he's been playing the part so long it's just become his reality. When he switches off and returns home he's just a nerd in pajamas, but to the world he's ''TONY STARK'' and people flock to that kind of magnetic personality, much to his chagren. There's also those who dispise him for it. Think he's squandering the weatlh he was ''given''. These people don't know him and make up the bottom rungs of society who wouldn't know their shoe from a slice of deep dish pizza.
Tony is entirely dependant on Pepper for things that most people take completely for granted. She really is the glue that holds him together, whether he admits it or she realizes it and he would, without a doubt, be lost without her. The same could, and should, be said for JARVIS and to a lesser extent Happy Hogan and James "Rhodey" Rhodes. This is his circle, these individuals are his crutch, his support structure, and his enablers.
Because Tony has so few friends and has pushed most people away, he naturally protects those who have cracked into his inner sanctum with ruthless, almost blind determination when they need him. They could bleed him dry without him ever thinking twice about it… they truly do have the keys to the palace and could, potentially, be used against him by nefarious individuals if they so deemed it to be a necessity.
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