- Barbara 'Bobbie' Morse is born and raised in San Diego, CA. An excellent student, she also excels at gymnastics.
- Bobbi attends Georgia Tech, majoring in biochemistry.
- She enters Ph. D studies with Dr. Wilma Calvin, her favorite professor.
- Bobbi is recruited for Project: Gladiator under Dr. Calvin. The research was partially sponsored by S.H.I.E.L.D.
- After graduation, Bobbi enrolled in S.H.I.E.L.D. espionage school. She graduated top of her class to become Agent 19. Bobbi has a habit of taunting her opponents and is given the codename "Mockingbird"
- Mockingbird helps to uncover corruption within S.H.I.E.L.D. by Dr. Paul Allen, who is really working for Advanced Idea Mechanics.
Being a scientist, Bobbi sees the world around her in logical terms. Everything has a reason and a place and a scientific explanation. If it doesn't, then the explanation just hasn't been discovered or more data are needed.
It's just how she expresses herself, really, but Bobbi deals with stressful situations by meting out sarcasm. It's also something she uses to taunt her opponents in a fight.
Even before her training with S.H.I.E.L.D., Bobbi always had a passion to succeed. Whether it's dogging through Ph. D research or slugging through Agent training, she sees a goal and goes after it.
Perhaps it fuels her impulsiveness, but Bobbi is very confident in her own abilities. After all, she's been able to out-fight and out-think her way through so many situations in the past.
Bobbi isn't one to back down from a fight. Even when surrounded and out-numbered, it's likely that she will carry the attack rather than waiting for the others to make the first move.
Bobbi is driven to succeed. Not only does she NOT like to lose, but she will go to great lengths and defy the odds to win. It doesn't matter whether it's academic achievement, athletics, solving a problem or defeating a foe. She doesn't like to lose.
Now that she is working for S.H.I.E.L.D., Bobbi's goal is to become the best SHIELD Agent that they've ever seen. Secondarily, she truly believes that SHIELD's purpose is to make the world a better place by helping people. And whenever there's a choice to be made, that's the side she'll be on.
Body Armor
Mockingbird's bodysuit is made of a Beta Cloth/Kevlar weave. It's not only bullet proof, but it's fire resistant. And it breathes like Egyptian cotton. In addition, her amber lensed glasses both correct her farsighted vision and provide night vision enhancement.
Battle Staves
Mockingbird carries two battle staves with her most all the time. The hollow, steel-alloy poles are as long as her forearm from elbow to fingertips. They're worn on each wrist bracer when she's in costume or strapped to her thigh when wearing a gown. The staves are spring-loaded, and each one can be extended up to four feet with a twist of her wrist. They can also be screwed together to make a pole that's around five feet long and suitable for combat as a bo stick, or up to eight feet long for vaulting.
Bobbi has access to S.H.I.E.L.D. gear and resources on an as-needed basis. This includes military-grade weaponry, transportation, explosives, communication equipment, and sometimes computer access.
SHIELD Training
Mockingbird is a trained S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and graduated top of her class. As such, she's quite skilled in the typical repertoire of a 'secret agent'. Foiling security systems, survival under adverse conditions, and stealth were all a part of her basic agent training. In addition, she's learned how to use makeup and clothing to disguise her appearance and assume alternate identities, should the mission require it.
Unarmed Combat
Mockingbird is trained in several martial arts styles, including Tae Kwon Do and Kung Fu, as well as 'softer' styles such as Judo and Aikido. Her expertise is in Jiu jitsu. She's very creative in how she mixes up styles and is extremely dangerous in close quarters. Bobbi can comfortably handle up to ten opponents simultaneously.
Bobbi showed an aptitude for gymnastics during her S.H.I.E.L.D. schooling. She is a skilled acrobat who regularly incorporates tumbling and rolling maneuvers in combat, both getting into as well as out of trouble.
Mockingbird carries a pair of battle staves on her forearms which she uses with deadly efficiency in several forms. On their own, they're useful either for jabs or for quick, whirling strikes in close quarters. Each staff can also extend out to four feet to be used more like jo sticks, twirling rapidly against one or more opponents. And they can snap together to form a longer bo staff to keep multiple opponents at a distance. The flexibility of the weapons allow her to mix up styles and keep her opponents off-balance.
Bobbi has an undergraduate degree in Biology and has earned her Ph. D in Biochemistry from Georgia Tech. An accomplished academic, she is a skilled researcher and very competent with computers.
During her basic Agent training, Bobbi developed the habit of taunting her opponents during combat. Knowing that a trained combatant should keep their focus, she uses her mockery and taunting to try and goad others into making mistakes. Mistakes that she can exploit. And over the years, she's become quite good at it.
Weapons Expert
In the course of her S.H.I.E.L.D. training, Bobbi has become proficient in a wide variety of weapons. She know how to load, fire, field-strip, and maintain any weapon that's standard issue to NATO, former Soviet-bloc, or Israeli military ground forces. And she's a remarkable marksman.
Bobbi is farsighted and has to wear contact lenses to read. While in her Mockingbird costume, she wears glasses with corrective lenses.
Logical Mind
Bobbi is a scientist, which means she looks at the world around her in terms of facts and data, cause and effect, hypotheses and theories. It also means that she doesn't process certain situations well at all. She doesn't handle such things as time travel, supernatural beings, and other mysterious phenomena well at all. Unless she's calmed down, Mockingbird doesn't fight or function at her peak in situations when she can't explain, measure, or deal with things logically. She also doesn't taunt her opponents, being distracted by her own efforts to keep it together.
Guns and staves and armor are only objects. Without them, Mockingbird loses some of her combat effectiveness unless replacements can be found or improvised.