First Phase|Marc Spector grew up the son of a rabbi, his Israeli father moving to New York just before the birth of his youngest son. Where his father was intellectual and gentle, Marc had a harsher temperament. Naturally athletic, he liked to get in trouble and rebel. He bullied other kids at school, enough that his father enrolled him in boxing classes, hoping to channel his son's raw, violent energy into something productive. In some ways, it worked. Marc became a competitive amateur boxer, an Olympic contender. He also showed the first signs of mental instability, sometimes lashing out or being overwhelmed with paranoia. Still, he held it together enough to pass the tests to get himself enlisted in the Army out of high school.
Dark of the Moon|Spector's path was pretty straightforward, if not wholesome. The Army lead to the Rangers and Special Forces. Special Forces lead to the CIA. Along the way, he picked up skills - infiltration, stealth, assassination, demolitions. He became an exceptional hand-to-hand combatant, known for his brutal efficiency. He also became known for violent outbursts and occasionally having to be pulled off of enemies even after they were dead.
Eventually, even the CIA couldn't tolerate it anymore and he found himself out in the cold. Marc became a mercenary, focused in the Middle East and Africa. He didn't have any particular morals, willing to work for whoever paid most. Or so he thought. When he began working for a regime that employed child soldiers and expected the slaughter of whole villages for disobedience, he found the limits of even his conscience. His refusal lead to him being beaten, tortured and driven into the desert. He wandered for three days with no water or food until he stumbled upon a lost temple in the wastes. The Temple of Khonshu, Egyptian God of the Moon. The God of Vengeance.
Moon Rising|In the temple, Marc was given a vision of Khonshu. Hardly a savior, Khonshu demanded loyalty for salvation, Marc's soul for another chance at life. With nothing to lose, Marc gave it. Wrapped in a shroud from the temple, he returned to his former encampment and dismantled his former mercenary allies. Dedicated to the service of justice and vengeance, he became Moon Knight.
Marc had put together quite a nest egg from his mercenary work, most in Swiss bank accounts. It enabled him, with his connections, to build a costume, buy equipment, gear, tech. It gave him a false identity - Steven Grant, international art buyer and collector, and a nice mansion in New York City and, for the purposes of research and undercover work, the identity of Jake Lockley, a city cab driver. And, of course, the most important identity of all - Moon Knight.
Broken Mirrors|A combination of recent chaos and the stress of balancing his identities, however, has taken a toll. Marc's mind has begun to fracture - hallucinations, voices in his head, disassociation. His various false identities have emerged as their own personalities, distinct personae within the single man.
For now, they seem to be holding together, working for a shared purpose and, in some ways, have given him benefit, his broken mind difficult to break or control. But his mental stability becomes more and more unglued as time goes on and who knows what happens if it breaks entirely?
MULTIPLE|Marc has multiple personalities, each with their own agendas and ways of thinking.
MARC SPECTOR|The core personality and the one most likely to be in control at any given time. Marc Spector is world weary, dangerous, cunning and very, very tired. He has seen terrible things and drinks to not think about them. He wants desperately for his life as a superhero to work, but has his doubts as his sanity has begun to shatter. He tends to be the one who listens to the others in his ear when he's dominant and makes the biggest life decisions. Most people who encounter him will meet Marc at some point, even if their first point of contact is one of his alters.
STEVEN GRANT|Grant is the alter who serves as Marc's primary cover identity and civilian life. A wealthy sophisticate and art dealer, he has a refined palate, a strong sense of fashion and excellent manners. He can be charming, dashing, seductive and generally is far more at ease with people than the other alters. He's a skilled liar and a good conversationalist. He is a bit more averse to conflict and sometimes thinks they should give up all this silly cape and cowl rigamarole to focus on their wine cellar.
JAKE LOCKLEY|The Jake Lockley alter drives a gypsy cab and lives a working man's life. He's a bit older than Marc himself, incorporates most of his worst habits (drinking, smoking, sloth). He's unkempt and sloppy, but has plenty of street smarts. He tends to hang around dives and associate with lowlives - he's a great source of information and considers himself one of Moon Knight's informants, even if he lives in the same head as the guy. He can be irascible and stubborn, but is also quite loyal to those who earn it and tends to have a chivalrous side.
MOON KNIGHT|Moon Knight is perhaps the most reclusive of the alters - even if in costume, he is not necessarily Moon Knight. Moon Knight is pure mission, unstoppable, relentless, pure vengeance incarnate. Moon Knight has much stronger ties to Khonshu, a true believer, and embodies his god's ruthless thirst for justice. He doesn't have a great deal of respect for his alters and tends to tolerate them more than work with them. He becomes stronger when the moon is full and less dominant when the moon is waning or new.
MOTIVATIONS|Each of the alters tends to have their own personal interests and drives. That said, a desire for redemption for his past sins and an overwhelming urge to dish out justice drives Moon Knight above and beyond all of his other interests.
GOALS|To make Moon Knight a feared name in the underworld, put as many criminals as he can away and to make up for the dark things he's done. Perhaps, someday, to feel whole again and find peace.
STRENGTH|Empowered by Khonshu, Moon Knight possesses a degree of superhuman strength. His strength shifts with the cycles of the moon - on a new moon, his strength is just above that of a normal human, letting him lift/press around eight hundred pounds. When the moon is full, at its apex, he can lift up to two tons, enabling him to rip off car doors or punch through walls.
LUNAR REGENERATION|By bathing any injury in direct moonlight, Spector can cause it to heal at an extraordinarily accelerated rate. Gunshots or cuts would heal in a matter of minutes, while broken bones in an hour or two. Obviously, this ability is limited by access to moonlight and the ability to stay in its path, but he has a room in his home dedicated to gathering moonlight at night for him to lay in and recover from battle.
PSYCHIC RESISTANCE|Moon Knight possesses a unique combination of madness and willpower that makes his mind incredibly resistant to being read or controlled by others. His various personalities, the mystick influence of Khonshu and his own endless determination mean he can usually wall out others and, even if they do read or control him, they only manage to do it to one aspect of his multi-layered self.
WEALTH|From his time as a mercenary and wise investment, Spector managed to build a rather impressive fortune, one that he's grown as his Steven Grant identity. He owns several large properties, notably a mansion in Connecticutt and a penthouse apartment in Manhattan. He has about twenty million dollars in relatively easy to access liquid assets and account, with another fifteen million in hard investments, property, bonds and the like which would take longer to turn into money on hand.
COSTUME|The Moon Knight costume is heavily kevlar-laced, providing him with a significant amount of bulletproofing. His trademark cloak provides resistance during long falls, enabling him to slow his descent and glide a bit even leaping from great heights. The costume is shock-insulated and fire-retardant.
GADGETS & WEAPONS|Moon Knight maintains a large amount of specialized gadgetry and weapons in his arsenal. He has a customized truncheon that functions as a powerful melee weapon, as well as possessing electroshock and grappling capabilities. An extendable bo staff can also break down into nunchaku. He utilizes crescent-shaped throwing darts with razor-sharp edges. He has the usual assortment of gas and smoke bombs, lockpicks, nightvision gear and other superheroic utility belt gadgets on-hand as well. If things get really out of hand, he has a back-up armory with heavy conventional firearms, including machine guns, but he isn't likely to resort to them unless the threat truly demands it.
VEHICLES|The cab that he drives as Jake has a few extra weapons attached to it, notably an oil-slick, a high-octane racing engine and the ability to lock someone in the backseat behind bulletproof glass. He also has the Moonwing, a massive stealth fighter whose basic prototype he stole and then had modified to a moon-styled crescent appearance. The Moonwing is resistant to being detected on radar and equipped with machine guns, missiles and complex scanning and navigation equipment.
MARTIAL ARTS|Moon Knight is a highly trained martial artist, capable in a variety of styles. His grounding lays in boxing, his first love, along with efficient military-grade training including Krav Maga and Jiu-Jitsu. He's begun to incorporate more acrobatic Ninjitsu and capoeira into his arsenal since taking up the mask and cape, as it's well-suited for urban environments and combat. He's also skilled in traditional martial arts weapons, notably the nunchaku, the staff and shuriken.
FIREARMS|Marc has extensive history in special forces and as a mercenary. He's an expert in most forms of conventional firearms, including fully automatic machine guns, pistols and the like. He's even used heavy military grade weapons and rockets, along with having the requisite skills in demolitions and explosives.
STEALTH|Moon Knight is an expert in stealth, capable of moving silently and undetected. He knows how to cling to shadows, to trail someone without showing sign and to maintain perfect stillness when needed. He's an experienced burglar, capable of disarming even advanced security systems and infiltrating even highly classified paramilitary bases.
INVESTIGATION|Moon Knight has become a keen investigator of criminal activity. He's learned how to follow clues, come to understand the shape of the underworld. He's become familiar with forensic procedure and learned how to assemble conclusions from crime scenes. He's even become a low-level hacker, capable of entering police databases and retrieving data if need be. He's particularly skilled at interrogation and has learned to put the fear of his god into potenteial informants.
ESPIONAGE|Marc has operated sometimes in the world of spies and spycraft, both as a mercenary and as Moon Knight. He's a master of disguise, capable of altering his appearance, behavior and dress to suit a specific role (not to mention his various personalities). He knows a dozen ways to get where he shouldn't be allowed and how to charm and coerce his way through potential obstacles. He knows most of the major players in the spy world and has often dealt with them at one point or another.
PILOT/DRIVER|Marc is a skilled driver, both as a cabbie and in terms of combat driving. He's adept at high speeds and capable of evasive maneuvers and trailing. He's also a pilot capable of flying military grade aircraft and helicopters.
INSANE|Put simply and obviously, Moon Knight is insane. He has disassociative identity disorder and has at least four separate personalities, not even taking into account that he hears the voice of Khonshu, the Egyptian god of vengeance, in his head. His personalities often come into conflict, don't always have the same agenda and aren't always best suited to the tasks before them. Each has their own weaknesses and none of them is a complete person.
PAST|Marc was a very bad person who did very bad things, once upon a time. He made enemies and even some of his old friends would probably want to see him dead. Not to mention that he's probably guilty of a few war crimes in his time.
NOCTURNAL|Marc's paranormal abilities are functional largely at night and require some degree of moonlight to be at their most effective. He's more vulnerable during the day and, frankly, tends to sleep when most people are awake.
AVATAR|Moon Knight is the avatar of Khonshu. As such, he can fall out of favor with his god and have his powers taken away. Also, if Khonshu were somehow distracted or blocked from influencing the mortal realm, so, too, would Marc's powers disappear.
EXHAUSTION|Living four lives can push anyone to the limit. Moon Knight often goes on only a couple of hours of sleep or will sometimes even go days without rest at all. This can make him sloppy, prone to passing out and generally means he's often pushing his own physical limits.
SPLINTERED|Marc Spector suffers from Disassociative Identity Disorder (what was once called Multiple Personality Disorder). His mind is segmented into four separate personae, each with their own peculiarities, traits, desires and needs. Each of them is a fragment of the whole man. He cycles through the identities at different times. They can communicate with each other and often do, usually argumentatively. Throw in the occasional presence of an Egyptian vengeance god shoving his consciousness in and it can become quite crowded and messy.