Ellie Phimister was a normal young girl living a normal life, until her mutant power manifested at puberty. She found herself with the (at first terrifying) ability to create a telekinetic detonation around herself, taking the visual form of an plasma bubble around herself culminating in an atomic-like blast.
Terrified at first, she tried to hide the abilities, and became a loner, adopting parts of goth culture to keep people at arms length. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters tracked her down only a few years ago and now, at age 18, she's a senior and in much better control of her powers.
She's spent a lot of time avoiding people and she's not really good at socializing now.
She's a bratty teenager in a digital world. She spends more time looking at her phone than people. She shops at Hot Topic. She thinks adults are dumb. She's highly unmotivated.
She's a pro when it comes to flinging around sarcastic witticisms or mean comments in between her bouts of sullen silence.
Negasonic really wants to finish X-School and be allowed to be a full member of the team so they'll stop treating her like a little kid.
What motivates any teenager? To be the coolest. To be admired. To be maybe a little feared. Also to be a non-comformist, just like all her friends. Inside though, there may be a bit of a lonely girl who is really looking for some form of family, having been removed from her real one.
Negasonic can create an emanation of telekinetic exothermic field of energy around herself. She is able to charge it up over time to varying degrees of strength. She can manipulate it for various purposes, and detonate it to cause damage.
Negasonic can detonate her bubble to cause damage related to the length of time she has to charge it up. This detonation involves kinetic force as well as heat. It detonates outward from her body in the direction she chooses, and has the ability to burn through leather and scorch metal, cause craters, and start short-lasting fires.
Negasonic can control which direction her detonation happens in, and is of considerable strength again depending on charge time. She can shove a 4 ton armored truck sideways with a 3 second charge, act as a battering ram to toss a super strength person (able to lift 25 tons) 20 yards away with a running start and 6 seconds of charge time, and throw a fighter jet wing (sans engine) with a passenger on it upwards 100 yards
Negasonic can directionally launch herself into the air about 300 feet, gaining further charge as she goes, and landing with a detonation that cushions her own fall while creating a crater and flaming explosion that can throw the likes of Colossus off his feet.
Negasonic's explosive powers do not hurt her at all and can be used as a shield to protect her from kinetic damage with sufficient charge time (4 tons per second, up to a max of 25). Energy, magic, and the like pass through without being stopped. They do, however, tend to damage or destroy whatever she is wearing when she detonates. Her X-Men uniform has been designed to withstand her powers as well, but her regular clothes aren't so lucky.
Ellie is in training with the X-Men and has all the rights and priviledges thereof.
Ellie is a student at Xavier's School and has room and board, as well as a stellar education from them, the security they provide, and the connections of the other students and teachers.
Negasonic's X-Uniform is resistant to her powers, and doesn't get destroyed when she detonates. It also has the same basic protections the usual ones do.
Ellie is only 5'3" and young. A lot of people tend to ignore her until she (literally) blows up in their faces.
Ellie is very tech savvy when it comes to personal devices and social media.
Mean Comments are a definite strong skill for Negasonic. Just ask poor Douchepool.
Just ask any adult how crazy-making dealing with a sullen, moody teenager is like.
Using her own momentum to charge up her powers quickly, Ellie has become quite a good sprinter and jumper, and has regular physical training from her school. She's no olympic athlete though.
Negasonic has been trained to use her abilities in combat for both offensive and defensive purposes, as well as some basic self-defense fromt he X-Men.
If Negasonic uses her powers without wearing her X-Uniform under her clothing, she will end up buck naked. Not a good thing. And no one wants to wear a yellow and black unitard ALL THE TIME. Come on!
If Negasonic uses her powers there is no mistaking that she's a mutant. She has flaming energy around her, explodes, burns stuff, and her eyes glow a fiery red-orange until the flames die down.
She's old enough to vote and drive and join the army, but she can't drink, get into bars, or rent a car. And it really annoys her.
Her attitude tends to keep others at arm's length, frustrate adults, and piss off heroes and villains alike.
No one really knows Ellie Phimister, outside of her family and the students and staff of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. However, anyone might know of the twitter feed of one SullenSilence, who likes to post snarky things often and alludes to being a superhero and/or mutant.