- Born to Raven Darkholme and Azazel (though Raven was married to Baron Christian Wagner at the time.) and chased out by villages. Kurt is abandoned, tossed off a cliff and rescued by Azazel, to be taken by Margali Szardos and raised in a circus.
- Performed as a trapeze artist and acrobat.
- Circus was bought out by Arnos Jardine and Kurt ended up in a freak show.
- Rescued and Kurt went home to Germany. Found out his foster brother was killing people and 'stopped' him. Accidental death. Village found out, was getting chased out as they believed he was the one killing village children. Rescued by Xavier.
- Taken to Xaviers to live and work.
- When on an operation, he was depowered.. and eventually when it came back, it left him exhausted. Another fight left him in a coma.. and when he finally recovered, he believed his friends dead. So, went to England. Formed Excalibur.
- X-men returned (not really dead) and Kurt returned.
- Spends more time devoted to the church.
- Soul searches for a bit, feeling as if he doesn't have a place after the loss of Kitty and the fact that there are other teleporters that do 'his job' better than he. Soon enough, he leaves for Germany again for a time, only returning to the US to help the X-Men.
- This time, things get messier. Having a hand in rescuing some of the X-Men and 'saving' others, and he's leading teams with seasoned mutants.
- Kurt is killed protecting Hope Summers, but he's not truly dead. He aids Wolverine in one of his battles against a demon, even if the other telepaths believe it was a figment of Logan's imagination.
- Rescued from Heaven and aided by the X-Men to save Heaven from Azazel, Kurt is once again on this Earthly plane, though soulless.
Kurt wants to see mutants and non- to live together in peace. He'll do whatever it is he can do in order to achieve that goal. That does mean that he fully understands that sometimes he'll have to protect non-mutants from 'his kind', and vice versa.
Kurt wakes up every morning with the knowledge that the day ahead brings work.. blood, sweat, laughter and tears. His first responsibility is to the Students to be sure they know right from wrong, and then 'mission' work, that is, out on the streets to minister to those in need.
Kurt is a devout Catholic. He's, at one point, seriously considered the priesthood. Regardless, it is the one thing that he personally believes has saved him.
Kurt really does consider others before himself. Regardless of what could happen to him, he is willing to give of himself to others to the point of his own death.
Practical Joker|
Kurt really does like a good practical joke now and again, and there are times when he'd be more than happy to have a run of pranks.
Kurt does like 'happy endings'. He believes in true love, he believes in romance. He just doesn't think that he'll ever find it for himself, even though he does have a few 'open relationships' going. It's more that -they- won't settle down rather than HE not wanting to.
Kurt loves the pirate 'life'. He idolizes Errol Flynn and other swashbucklers of the early days of film, and has taken it on as his 'MO'. If he could live on a three-masted ship, his life would be complete. He could be considered 'obsessed' with the ideal.
Kurt will not kill. He doesn't believe that he has the right to take another's life. To that end, he will do everything in his power not to do so, and will actively encourage others to do the same. He does understand that others will not necessarily adhere to that philosophy, but he doesn't judge. If it's his students or those who had been, he will disapprove. If it's Logan? What can he do?
- Kurt teleports through a dimension called, for lack of a better word, 'The Brimstone Dimension', or also known as 'Hell'. (At least Azazel's level of Hell, anyway.) Comfortably, he can do 3-5 mile jumps. Far end, 300 miles, but then he's completely exhausted. Requires a great deal of willpower and stamina for the longer distances. Physics does work, however. He will suffer injury if he teleports from a great height; momentum remains in play. He can teleport a couple of people with him, but it will fatigue him, and his passengers will feel that brief moment of vertigo and fatigue. This is also a form of combat for Kurt. He can (and does) teleport enemies, taking them for a 'ride', only to cease and have them pass out due to their exertion.
- Rapid: Kurt can teleport rapidly, disappearing and arriving very much near the same place and can act before the portal is closed behind him when needed for combat.
- Stopping in between, Kurt can actually pause his teleporting in order to remain in the 'Brimstone Dimension', but there is little that he really wants there. Each time he passes through, it's like an announcement to the demons there.
- Eyes: Kurt's yellow, pupilless eyes allows him to see in near total dark, very much like a cat, and into the IR spectrum.
- Tail: Kurt has a three-foot long prehensile tail that is fully capable of being used as another limb. He has fine motor control over it, and has been known to hold the weight of a grown man with it. In combat, he sometimes uses it to wield a third weapon (usually a sword of some sort).
- Skeletal structure: The way Kurt is built, he has extra muscles in his back that allow for expanded flexibility. (It's also the reason he slouches!)
- Three-fingered hands: There is little Kurt can do to hide this particular bit of anatomy. It does allow him to cling to walls, however. Little microsuction discs on his hands and feet give him the ability to climb walls and hang down from ceilings.
- Blue fuzz: Kurt is covered with blue fuzz, giving him an added basic ability to hide in shadows to avoid detection. The fact that he is a half-demon with the ability to teleport grants him that added ability to merge with the shadows and actually put himself in that space halfway between Earth and the Brimstone Dimension. There, it is difficult, even with enhanced senses, to detect that he is there as he is rendered virtually invisible.
Xaviers/School for Mutants|
Kurt has access to all which the school has access.
Kurt has access to all which the X-Men have access to, including the vehicles (Blackbird) and Cerebro. He also counts X-Men 'past' to be amongst his friends. Those of 'his' world, that is.
Kurt has five of the little buggers, all naked and blue smaller versions of himself. They are essentially little demons created by Azazel but turned by Kurt. They have beady glowing yellow yes, three fingers, two toes, prehensile tails. They teleport in very much the same way as Kurt. They have rudimentary communication skills as in, their main word is 'Bamf'. Occasionally, the word 'Whiskey' will exit them, or once they learn a friend's name, they will repeat it over and over. Each has their own singular personality.
Magic attunement|
While not magical, Kurt is attuned to magic. He can feel it when it is happening around him, and is capable of holding magic items on and in his person without it affecting him.
Image inducer|
While he may not carry this all the time, Kurt does have the ability to change his appearance. It is image only, not physical. (This can be hacked into and remotely changed.)
Kurt is an experienced fencer. He is ambidextrous, agile, and has the added bonusses of being able to triple wield (with his tail) and uses his rapid teleportion to great effect. He's trained with the likes of Wolverine and other X-Men to hone his skills.
Kurt can pilot the lovely Blackbird. He is rated as a fixed wing pilot only; propeller and jet.
Growing up in a circus, Kurt is a skilled acrobat; he has a finely tuned sense of balance, of swinging on trapezes or light fixtures.
Unarmed combat|
Kurt is pretty good with his fists; he's been trained by 'the best' and can use his ability to teleport to great effect. He fights to disarm and render unable to fight- not kill.
Distinctive looks|
Kurt looks like a demon. There's no getting around it. Glowing eyes, pointed ears, tail…
Teleportation 'gives'|
When Kurt departs and arrives, there is a 'give' that sensitive supers can feel. A shift in the magnetic fields and, of course, the *bamf* as a dimensional portal opens and closes again. It gives off a noxious odor.. one of sulfur. Brimstone. Rotten eggs.
Kurt will do everything in his power not to kill and will do anything to prevent loss of life. It is a great deal more difficult to pull a punch in a fight than to go 'all out'.
Kurt is a member of an 'ancient horde of demonic humanoid mutants from biblical times'. He is recognizable as a 'demon' with anyone who may have that particular ability. One of the biggest disadvantages to that is that should he become injured, the healing qualities of the blood of a 'Cheyarafim' (Warren- Angel!) would cause him great pain and only injure him more.
For someone like Kurt, this is a big deal. Having returned from Heaven and 'falling to Earth', the elf gave up his soul in order to tie his father Azazel to Earth so he could access neither Hell nor Heaven. Even if Kurt is killed, it would take a great deal for Azazel to gain a portal and return to Hell.
Kurt's got 'em in high and low places, literally. Those that he's fought with the X-Men, and, of course, his father who would rather see him dead rather than remaining unswayed by his ability to bend wills to his desire.