Virginia 'Ginny' Potts was born and raised in Connecticutt in a family that could be considered 'upscale'. So, her childhood was filled with 'play dates' and lessons on appropriate behavior and manners. She swam, rode horses and sailed through grade school, and when High School came along, her parents pushed her towards the more traditional routes; home ec and business. Friends were made and lost, boyfriends were had and lost, and when graduation came around, she was more than prepared for college life.
Ginny was NYU bound, falling in with a group of girls from home, and began to take her courses that would set her up for life. She had an apartment, and it seemed as if life was truly opening up for her. In her third year of business school, she scored an unpaid internship at Stark Industries in the secretarial pool. This, this was to change her life, though she didn't know it at the time.
The first year in the secretarial pool was uneventful. Ginny shadowed some of the other girls, learning the word processing systems, learning the ropes, really. Coffee. What had to be delivered to the desks of the different departments and when. How. Answering phones, making appointments.
By the second year, Ginny's senior year in college, she was hired part-time, and was officially added to the pool. She didn't have a desk, and it was a little strange, going in to work and not knowing where she'd work next. She found the gossip at the water cooler was actually a 'thing', and for the last couple of years, she'd heard about the antics of some of the top execs. Only gossip and rumors, mind. The girls that worked the top floors were permanent employees with an actual desk, and they didn't rub elbows with the girls on the bottom floors.