Polaris |
![]() |
Name: | Lorna Dane |
Gender: | Female |
Place of Birth: | Presumably northern California (not confirmed) |
Age: | 28 |
Aliases: | Polaris |
Origin: | Mutant |
Origin Earth: | 616 |
Present Location: | New York |
Occupation: | Hero |
Team: | X-Men |
Alignment: | Hero |
Significant Other(s): | married to Alex Summers (aka Havok) |
Powers and Abilities: | Electromagnetism control and sense |
Portrayed by: | None |
Short Form Background
This is from the MUX's background command.
Lorna Dane was born in California. When she was very little her parents got into a fight in their plane over Lorna's birth father. She wanted the fighting to stop and her mutant gene expressed it's self, bringing down the plane and killing her parents. The expression of her powers turned her hair green. Put into the system, Lorna was raised by the Danes, who she thought were her aunt and uncle. Her abilities lay dormant until she was kidnapped by Mister Sinister and her power was forced back to the surface. Rescued by the X-Men she left to attend Xavier's school and joined the X-Men on missions from time to time. Several times Lorna has tried to leave to have a normal life. There is always some event or evil doer to push her back towards an X-Team.
Long Form Background
This is from the wiki prior to staff update of page.
After being married for several years, pilot Arnold discovers that his daughter Lorna isn't his daughter at all. While flying a plane with his wife and Lorna, at that time 3 years old, Arnold confronts his wife Suzanna about her affair. Hearing her parents argue, little Lorna gets upset and starts crying and screaming for her parents to stop arguing. Her mutant powers kick in and she unintentionally rips the plane apart in mid-flight. Lorna survived the crash, her parents had not. Drawn to the crash site by the magnetic pulse Lorna had unleashed, Magneto found Lorna and ordered Mastermind to rewrite Lorna's memories via illusions.
The use of her powers turned Lorna's hair from brown to green. She kept it dyed so she wouldn't seem different from others and be ostracized. It seemed that there was a genetic defect in Lorna that prevented her latent mutant abilities from manifesting. When a villain named Mesmero used his so called psyche-generator, which allowed him to command all mutants in North America with latent powers. Lorna was one of these latent mutants and she was forced to travel to San Francisco to unite with Mesmero.
[[collapsible show="+ Part 2: Meeting the X-Men/Lorna and Bobby" hide="- Meeting the X-Men/Lorna and Bobby (hide)"]]
Lorna meets Bobby Drake while out in San Francisco when he ices the ground under her, making her trip over it. Bobby was able to convince Lorna to come with him to his apartment. When Lorna finally meets the X-Men, they all discover that she is actually a mutant with latent powers. Mesmero would come and kidnap her, bringing her to his headquarters. He put her in a “genetic stimulator” that activated her latent mutant abilities. The X-Men would try and save her and Magneto was revealed to be the the mastermind behind the whole thing. He also reveals that he is the father of Lorna. This caused Lorna to hesitate when an opportunity to kill him presented itself. However, Iceman would be able to convince Lorna that Magneto is not really her father when he brings up evidence that her parents died in a plane crash. Lorna then defeated Magneto, who would later be revealed as an android. Lorna would join the X-Men and would pick up the code name Magnetrix, however she did not like it and decided to get rid of it.
Lorna was captured by Sentinels when she moved to Manhattan, and she was so shocked that she didn't have a chance to use her powers. In the Sentinel's base, she met Havok, the younger brother of Cyclops, and the two got along pretty well. Unfortunately, Larry Trask, who was controlling the Sentinels, used this to his advantage and threatened Lorna to get Havok to do what he wanted. After the X-Men saved Havok and Lorna, she decided to join the X-Men since she was sick of being a victim and sitting on the sidelines. Also, she was growing attracted to Havok. This strongly annoyed Iceman, since he had introduced Lorna to the X-Men and felt he had the rights to pursue a relationship with Lorna first. Since Alex and Lorna didn't have full control over their powers yet, they were often given easier missions or left out completely.
When the senior X-Men had trouble in the Savage Land, Professor X sent Havok and Lorna to help them. During their introduction to Ka-Zar, Lorna realized that she didn't have a codename, and came up with "Magnetrix". However, she didn't really like it so stopped using it after a very short while. After the adventure in the Savage Land, the X-Men encountered a group who called themselves the Promise, who waited for the final confrontation between humans and mutants and only stepped out of their cryogenic chambers once every 10 years. During one point when they stepped out, they took control of Lorna and Havok, since they hadn't been X-Men for as long of the rest of the team. Under the control of the Promise, Lorna first used her abilities to fly. Luckily, Havok and Lorna were freed by a member of the Promise who didn't agree with the leader, and prevented the leader from putting Havok and Lorna in a cryogenic chamber.
A bit later, Havok quit the X-Men after a fight with Iceman over Lorna, and didn't return. Professor X sent Lorna to go find him, and ask him to come back. Whilst in the south-western deserts, Lorna was mistaken by the Hulk for his former lover, Jarella, due to her green hair. The Hulk grew confused and angry, and was ready to attack Lorna when Havok appeared and managed to use his powers at a skill level he hadn't had before. Havok realized that he had a good chance at being a hero, so decided to rejoin the X-Men. On the way back home, Lorna and Havok were captured by the Secret Empire. The X-Men did not go to find out why Lorna and Havok hadn't returned, assuming that they wanted to be alone together and not rejoin the X-Men. After some time, they realized that there must be something wrong and managed to find and save Lorna and Havok with help from Captain America.
The first time Lorna was able to display parts of her fullest potential, it was when the X-Men were kidnapped on Krakoa and a new team was sent to rescue them. She was able to disrupt the Earth’s magnetic forces and throw Krakoa into space. Iceman would eventually develop a crush on Lorna, however Lorna did not have the same feelings for Iceman. She ended up falling in love with Alex Summers (Havok). The two of them decided to leave the X-Men because they did not like risking their lives. They decided to pursue their love for geophysics and moved to the Diablo mountain range in California.
Lorna would soon be under the mind control of a Shi'ar agent named Davan Shakari who worked for D’Ken when he was emperor of the Shi’ar Galaxy. Shakari is the one who dubbed Lorna “Polaris” and first gave her her purple costume which was a big departure from her original flowing green one (which she now wears a variation of again). Shakari would next kidnap Alex and put him under mind control also. They used them to turn on the X-Men and try to assassinate Professor X. The two of them would battle the X-Men at Kennedy International Airport. Lorna would soon be defeated by Storm and Professor Xavier was be able to free them from Shakari’s control.
Lorna and Alex would remain as civilians for a long time, but they would also assisting the X-Men on occasion. Lorna and Alex lived happily as civilians in the New Mexico desert and also were able to complete their degrees. Later, while Havok was rejoining the X-Men (unknown to Lorna) the Marauders hunted Lorna at her desert home and during the heat of the battle Lorna became possessed by the psionic being, Malice. Malice’s powers were able to blend with Lorna’s perfectly and together they became a powerful (albeit inseparable) being. Malice would use Lorna’s body to lead the Marauders for years. Finally when Mr. Sinister was killed, Malice’s powers started to weaken and along with the hold on Lorna. Lorna was able to call the X-Men for help but they were arrived too late.
Before the X-Men arrived to help her she was abducted by Savage Land soldiers and mutates who were led by Zaladane, a priestess in the Savage Land who claims to be Lorna’s sister. When the X-Men finally arrived and Zaladane gained an army in the Savage Lands to fight with them. Afterwards Zaladane confirms to Lorna that she is her sister and would use a machine to take away Lorna’s magnetic mutant powers and make them her own. This power transfer would also rid Lorna of the remainder of Malice's psychic presence.
The X-Men continued to try and save Lorna and this was when her secondary mutation activated. She grew in height, became invulnerable, and gained super strength. They defeated Zaladane and Lorna would shrink back to normal and was finally free. She went to Muir Island in seek of Moira MacTaggert to help explain her mutation. On her way there her 2nd mutant powers activated again and she grew big. She also discovered that he mutant powers amplify negative emotions to others around her. Moira MacTaggert would examine her but was clueless.
Lorna remained on Muir Island after this, working with Moira's "Muir Island X-Men". Later it would be revealed that Lorna gained her strength and size from absorbing the negative emotions of those around her. The Shadow King would discover this and set Lorna up as his nexus between the astral plane and real world. This caused the whole world to grow angry and violent. Eventually during the Muir Island Saga the X-Factor and X-Men would save her from Shadow King’s control using a stab to the head from Psylocke's psychic knife. Right around this time, Zaladane was killed by Magneto in the Savage Land, returning all of Lorna’s powers.
Lorna received an offer to join the government team, X-Factor, by Valerie Cooper. With this she was able to reunite with Alex. The two of them would become co - leaders of X-Factor. Their relationship however would be shaky the whole time because Lorna began to grow stronger and more confident. They would break up and get back together several times.
With Lorna becoming so strong, she became the Government’s “secret weapon” against a possible attack from Magneto. Malice would return to try and possess Lorna again but this time Alex would be there and try to absorb half of Malice with Lorna.
This causes Malice to not be able to control someone, eventually Malice was killed by Mr. Sinister. When Mystique and Sabretooth were allowed to join X-Factor, Lorna disliked the idea of having these terrorists on the team but the government did not listen. However, this would turn out to be a fatal mistake when Sabretooth almost killed the entire team himself. Later she would witness Alex (apparently) getting killed in an explosion.
Later Lorna would meet Nightcrawler at a church and told him that she felt someone was following her and that Alex was alive somewhere. It would be revealed that some Skrull working for Apocalypse was following her in order to steal Alex’s costume. Lorna would join the X-Men to battle Apocalypse in Egypt. Lorna would meet Magneto and he discovers that he could use her to disrupt the magnetic forces of Earth. During the battle against Apocalypse, Lorna was able to assist Magneto and hide the fact that his powers had been reduced. The two then went to the island nation of Genosha.
Genosha was a nation that enslaved mutants, and Magneto took it upon himself to overthrow the government with Lorna's help. She agreed because she liked the training Magneto gave her in return for her help. She began to gain more knowledge in accessing her full potential. When Magneto decided to use Lorna's powers to wipe out the last city that was not under his control she decided to try to stop him from using technology to restore his damaged x-gene, but was defeated by him. Lorna left only to return later to help the Genoshan people. The island of Genosha was then attacked by the mutant hunting robots known as Sentinels. Lorna was one of the few survivors but left scarred because was not able to stop the robot and sat there witnessing the murder of millions of mutants. When Magneto recorded the thoughts of the entire population's final moments as digital signals in a black box, Lorna became "possessed" by the "ghosts" of Genosha. She then constructed a monument in honor of Magneto. The X-Men would go to Genosha to aid anyone that survived, upon their arrival they discover Lorna walking around naked and weak.
After Alex was found in a coma, Lorna returned to the X-Men. Her attitude had changed, becoming more dark and violent. This all had to do with the traumatic events she witnessed in Genosha, being one of the only survivors after the Sentinel attack by Cassandra Nova. Even her impending marriage to Alex failed to change her behavior. She uncharacteristically killed some mutant-killing soldiers. This resulted in Alex breaking up with Lorna right before their wedding for the X-Men’s personal nurse Annie Ghazikhanian. Traumatized and humiliated, the unstable Polaris went berserk and commenced to go on a rampage that nearly resulted in her killing Alex. Juggernaut stopped Lorna by knocking her out. Professor Xavier helped Lorna through psychic therapy.
Through the course of the Professor's therapy, it was revealed that Lorna had learned that she was the biological daughter of Magneto during her time in Genosha. Her uncharacteristic behavior was also discovered to be a reaction to witnessing the genocide on Genosha. After the session, Lorna promised to stop her violent rampage and return to the X-Men. Iceman later admitted to Polaris that he still had feelings for her and after some mild flirtation, the two began a relationship. The relationship was not to last, however, since Lorna's other relationships (namely with Havok) were still unresolved. Havok has confessed to still loving her after Annie had left him, however, Polaris pushed him away.
After the events of "M-Day," in which the majority of mutants lost their powers, Lorna also lost her mutant gene and her magnetic powers. Lorna attempted to hide her loss from her fellow teammates fearing she would be kicked off the team. She was confronted by Valerie Cooper who knew Lorna had lost her powers, but Lorna would claim that it was a psychological problem that was preventing her from accessing them. When she was nearly killed because she could not access her powers, Lorna finally admitted that she lost them. She ended up leaving with Alex watching over her. During her journey, Lorna was kidnapped by an alien named Doop who crashed on Earth, who was also a creature that Lorna saw in space on an earlier mission.
Lorna soon was kidnapped by Apocalypse and transformed into one of his Horsemen of Apocalypse known as Pestilence. Lorna had the ability to ingest and create new plagues. Apocalypse also used his advanced technology to give Lorna back a magnetic power similar to the powers she lost on M-Day. While under his influence and brainwashed, Lorna infiltrated the World Health Organization and took the viruses there to create a meta-plague. Apocalypse had planned to infect all of humanity so that he could offer a cure to only 10% of the population.
They would battle the X-Men and New Avengers when they finally discover Pestilence was actually Lorna. Lorna would be able to resist Apocalypse and would later recover in the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. Gambit and Sunfire would return to the X-Mansion and try to recover Lorna, but they battled the X-Men and failed. Lorna would leave the mansion that night to search for Apocalypse in Egypt and would eventually be rescued by Havok and the X-Men. It is unknown why Apocalypse gave Lorna back her magnetic abilities, as they weren't a part of his plans before being thwarted by the X-Men.
Recently the X-Men learned that the "all-new all-different X-Men" that were recruited and sent to Krakoa were not Xavier's first rescue attempt. Only one of the members of the original rescue team, Vulcan, had survived. Lorna has rejoined the X-Men and accompanying Professor Xavier and his team of Uncanny X-Men to find and stop Vulcan after Vulcan set off into space for Shi'ar space with the intention of single-handedly bringing down the Shi'ar empire. On rout to the center of the Shi'ar empire Lorna and Havok have been rekindling some of their relationship. Lorna has also been working on learning how to control her new magnetic powers that mimic her old powers using technology.
Polaris seems to have gotten in touch with her powers and she began to wield them like her old ones she could control the energies of the others on board their ship when Vulcan crushed the star gates to prevent them form fallowing him. During a huge fight with Vulcan and the royal guard she managed to display her former power level by stopping even the almost unstoppable Gladiator for a moment. When Vulcan began to beat Havok it was Polaris who stopped him by attacking his bloodstream she fought him to the point where he was near death and spitting out blood plus his powers weakened. She would have killed him if Deathbird hadn't attack her letting Havok fight Vulcan again on a fair level and he too almost killed Vulcan and left him even weaker.
This however didn't stop Vulcan from killing his father Corsair with a powerful blast of energy and the fight began to rage out of control so Lilandra sent half the team home against their will and Vulcan left with Deathbird to heal form his wounds. Polaris along with Marvel Girl, Havok, and Korvus stayed with the remaining Starjammers to fight Vulcan and restore Lilandra to the throne. During this time, Lorna acted both as Alex's lover and second-in-command of the team. While their early efforts at destabilizing Vulcan's rule were highly successful, partially due to the hatred of his own subjects towards him, the rebellion was forced to ally with the tyrant when a merciless alien force calling themselves the "Scy'ar Tal" assaulted the Shi'ar world of Feather's Edge. Claiming vengeance for a Shi'ar attack that had killed many of their people centuries ago, the Scy'ar Tal destroyed the planet using a massive super weapon called Finality, before declaring their intention to recapture their former home planet, the World, home of the M'Kraan Crystal. While the two sides allied with each other and successfully defeated the menace, Polaris and the rest of the Starjammers were eventually betrayed and captured by Vulcan's forces. As the insane mutant solidifies his grip on power, Polaris and the Starjammers are now his prisoners, cut off from the X-Men and any hope of rescue.
Polaris is held under constant sedation while imprisoned, due to the Shi'ar's inability to deal with her powers. With the help of Lilandra, Lorna and the other prisoners are eventually freed. She and the Starjammers escape to Kree-space, where Lorna discovers that her sister-in-law and good friend, Crystal, is being wed to Ronan the Accuser, a move meant to solidify ties between the Inhumans and the Kree. When the wedding is disrupted by the invading Shi'ar, and Lilandra captured, Lorna participates in a rescue attempt which concludes with them freeing Lilandra and bringing the powerful Gladiator to their side.
As the war between Kree and Shi'ar escalates, Polaris and the Starjammers participate in an attempted political coup by Lilandra on the throne world of Chandrilar. She is a horrified witness when Lilandra is killed in the ensuing chaos. While in battle during the War of Kings, Korvus and Rachel Summers lose their connection with the Phoenix Force along with all others host of it. Briefly after this the Starjammers head back for Earth after Rogue, Gambit and Magneto come to their aid.
Following her return from space and the X-Men events Schism and Regenesis, Rachel, Alex and Lorna sided with Wolverine. Wolverine then takes Lorna and Alex to rejoin their former team X-Factor. She soon found her home at X-Factor Investigations. She came to help as a result of Wolverine´s sugestions that she could help the team to reestablish itself after the death of Multiple Man. She and Havok came to lead and to keep the team together. It was during this time she learned of the true reason behind the death of her parents, causing her to once again become severely unstable. Lorna's sanity was restored when Banshee chose to end her own life as a mortal and underwent apotheosis, becoming the new Morrigan, Goddess of War and Death. X-Factor further changed after her longtime partner Havok chose to leave to join the Avengers. After a long conversation about their relationship, they ultimately parted as good friends.
Lorna was approached by CEO of Serval Industries, Harrison Snow, and was asked to lead a new corporate team of mutants to help people. Lorna agreed and began recruiting members for her team. The final roster included Gambit, Quicksilver, Danger, Cypher, Warlock, Georgia Dakei, and Luna Maximoff. The latter two were still very young and inexperienced and weren't meant to be on the team initially. Georgia joined Lorna's team after they battled her father, Memento Mori. Luna returned to Earth to visit her father, Pietro, after the press conference the team held in which Pietro admitted to the sins of his past. At first, the team was a bit dysfunctional, but since its inception, Lorna has proven to be a very capable and very worthy leader. She was approached by her half-sister, Wanda Maximoff, who expressed interest in "hanging out". Wanda, Lorna, and Danger indulged in a girl's day out, where they attended a Renaissance Fair in which they prevented the burning of a human female by her crazed boyfriend. Wanda later revealed that she believed Lorna would make a brilliant Avenger, and asked her to consider joining the Uncanny Avengers (Avengers Unity Squad). Lorna refused, saying that she could never be an Avenger. Her loyalty was with the X-Men and her mutant people. Wanda, believing that Lorna already knew, revealed that Pietro had joined the team to spy on Lorna for her ex boyfriend Alex Summers, aka Havok, the (former) leader of the Avengers Unity Squad.
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS
After the initial events of AXIS, in which the Red Onslaught was released and began spreading hatred and evil in the minds of everyone around the world, Lorna's All-New X-Factor intervened to prevent the capital city, Washington D.C., from burning to the ground. They acted as a response unit, preventing "World War Hate" from escalating. Lorna used her abilities to lift a large well of water - the White House's Reflecting Pool - which was large enough to put out the fire that was consuming the property in and around the White House. The team used implants given to them by fellow teammate Warlock to prevent the Red Onslaught's hatred from affecting them. Gambit's was damaged when he used his powers, and he began to attack Lorna, and steadily gained the upper hand because Lorna was trying not to hurt him. Warlock reinserted the implant, while Danger continued to battle the crazed mobs. Meanwhile, Doug was attempting to protect Georgia and Luna who had decided to leave Serval to help calm things down. Luna used her powers to calm down the people who had been affected, while Georgia drained the nearest attackers of a good portion of their body's moisture, incapacitating them. Quicksilver had been busy stealing the "football" from the President of the United States. The "football" was, of course, the platform from which the country's nuclear missiles could be accessed. Pietro stole it, and hurried it away to Serval for protection, so that the President, in his altered state of mind, wouldn't do anything rash. He returned just in time to prevent Luna from being pierced by bullets. He whisked her away to safety, ordering Doug to take Luna and Georgia back to Serval. The latter declared that she wanted a uniform. After realizing that they weren't making much of a dent, Lorna and the team pulled out and headed back to Serval, where the company's shields had been keeping "World War Hate" at bay. However, a group of sentinels had soon amassed outside the shield.
Lorna has the occasional bouts of depression and rage. It might be manipulating the electromagnetic forces or the Earth effecting her brain chemistry, or it's inherited from good old dad.
Lorna has the need to fill her life with meaningful friendships. She needs a connection to people and genuinely loves the family she makes for herself.
For the most part, Lorna is very easy going. If someone gets to mutant bashing though, or bullying a mutant in front of her she doesn't pull her punches.
A normal life. Time and time again Lorna tries to get a normal life and gets pulled back into the fight. It's something she dreams about.
Lorna wants to do the right thing. Even at the cost of having a normal life. She wants to protect people.
Polaris has the mutant power to generate and manipulate magnetic fields for a variety of applications. Chief among them is moving, manipulating and altering metals and metallic objects of wildly varying sizes, from specks of iron dust to fighter planes, such fields can generally be created/controlled at the speed of thought, but especially large or complex tasks (such as patching holes in a sinking cruise ship with the dining room's cutlery) will, inevitably, require time and concentration to see all the way through. Lorna is capable of manipulating large numbers of objects - like hails of bullets or whole shelves of tools - simultaneously, and with a high degree of fine control—though trying to minutely control the movements of dozens or hundreds of things at once is much more distracting than just tossing them around in simple lines. While this facet of her powers is most effective with ferrous metals, they're still effective - albeit significantly less so - with non-ferrous, and even non-metallic objects.
Polaris' powers also allow her to fly, generate protective force fields, sense extant magnetic fields and metals around her, and even manipulate various forms of electromagnetic energy, handling anything more than raw electricity is a rather taxing and unfamiliar process however.
Thanks to her enhanced senses, her powers are not strictly limited to working within her direct line of sight - as long as she can perceive a suitable metallic object, she can theoretically affect it - but her powers diminish in effectiveness over long distances, requiring more and more ferrous material for her powers to have any meaningful effect, she can't draw a ball bearing to herself from the next county over, but she can drag a plane from the sky.
Polaris can fire electromagnetic blasts without much effort, although aside from tending to visibly crackle with energy, they're much more 'magnetic' than anything else, behaving like blasts of concussive force. Other kinds of energy - most commonly electricity, but any form of EM radiation is potentially fair game - can be projected, but doing so requires significantly more effort.
Polaris can create protective fields of magnetic force around herself or others. Larger fields are generally more difficult to maintain and less effective, due to being less concentrated than smaller ones, her personal field is capable of turning aside harmful radiation, energy blasts, superhuman blows—just about anything, short of, say, a cruise missile. Concentrated force - particularly against one section of the field - over a prolonged period of time will eventually compromise it, and force sufficient to breach it will drop it altogether, likely injuring Lorna in the process.
Lorna passively perceives metallic substances and particularly powerful sources of electromagnetic activity within about a mile of herself, with a little focus, she can accurately determine the specific makeup of a given substance, precisely gauge the type and intensity of energy sources, and so on. This ability normally functions as a sort of 'sixth senseâ, she just 'knows', generally, where nearby metals and sources of EM activity are located. If she concentrates a little, she can actually supplant her natural human senses with her supernatural one, allowing her to perceive the electromagnetic fields around everything around herâ"including people.
Furthermore, if she concentrates on pushing her sixth sense outwards, she can perceive - and potentially manipulate - even distant metals or EM fields. Trying to push the limits of her magnetic sense past a few miles in the heat of combat is about as dangerous as trying to focus intently on any other kind of distant stimuli, it's not necessarily impossible, but it's difficult, and not particularly safe.
Lorna has her Masters of Science in Geophysics. While she might not often get the chance to work in her field, it did help her understand her mutation better.
Lorna has a place in New York, a tiny loft near the location of her last team's office.
Lorna worked with X-Factor and has remained in contact with a lot of it's members.
Lorna has been on and off the team so many times these people are like family. She calls on them if she's in trouble and comes to their call when they need her back.
Lorna when to school for Earth Sciences, but she's well educated-science being her favorite subject.
Years of fighting the bad guy, being brainwashed, controlled and living around telepaths have made Lorna tougher. She's more capable of surviving extreme strain this lifestyle creates.
While Lorna relies mostly on her powers in a fight, she's trained off and on over the years in hand to hand fighting in case she should ever find herself powerless again.
This is part of her dream of having a normal life. She's become a stress baker over the years, seeking solace in the normalcy of the kitchen.
Lorna has very good control of her abilities unless her emotions are out of control. Extreme emotions have an adverse effect on the metals around her.
There will always be a soft spot in Lorna's life for her family. They can use her, or be used to get to her and she will still love them. There views may often be radically different but she does her best to be close to them-usually at a great cost to her.
Lorna can defend herself against most metals but plastic bullets or ceramic sentinels will slow her down dramatically. Even a good old fashion baseball bat will do the trick.
=========================[ +sheet for Polaris (PO) ]==========================
Real Name: Lorna Dane Age: 28
Codename: Polaris Gender: Female
Sessions: Approved On: Thu Jun 16 17:56:25 2016
F: Good (10) Health: 96/96
A: Remarkable (30) Karma: 60
S: Typical (6) Resources: (0)
E: Amazing (50) Popularity:
R: Good (10) Experience:
I: Excellent (20) Initiative: +1
P: Remarkable (30) Movement: 3
==================================< POWERS >==================================
Electro Magnetic Energy Control…………………….. Amazing (50)
Magnetic Detection………………………………… Amazing (50)
Magnetic Manipulation……………………………… Monstrous (80)
Electro Magnetic Pulse…………………………… Monstrous (80)
Entangle With Ferrous……………………………. Monstrous (80)
Flight…………………………………………. Excellent (20)
Force Field…………………………………….. Monstrous (80)
Magnetic Blast………………………………….. Monstrous (80)
Manipulate Ferrous………………………………. Monstrous (80)
Thrown Ferrous Objects…………………………… Monstrous (80)
=================================< TALENTS >==================================
Geophysics And Geology…………………………….. Remarkable (30)
Magnetics And Energy………………………………. Remarkable (30)
==================================< FLAWS >===================================
Emotionally Magnetic Family
=================================< CONTACTS >=================================
Havok X-Factor
ARMOR RATINGS: Energy: 80 Mental: 0 Physical: 80