Rogue |
Name: | Anna-Marie D'Ancanto Carlyle |
Gender: | Female |
Place of Birth: | unknown |
Age: | 21 |
Aliases: | Rogue |
Origin: | Mutant |
Origin Earth: | 900 |
Present Location: | Meridian, Mississippi |
Occupation: | Xavier's School |
Team: | X-Men |
Alignment: | So Good! |
Significant Other(s): | unknown |
Powers and Abilities: | Power Absorption; Enhanced Body, Flight, Extreme Fitness |
Portrayed by: | Zoe Duchesne |
Rogue was primarily raised by her aunt, Carrie Carlyle, after tragedy befell her parents when she was five years old. The grief of the loss caused young Anna-Marie to misbehave regularly and run away from home on many different occasions.
It was these actions that lead her aunt to first refer to the girl as "Rogue" and Anna-Marie willingly adopted the nickname. Rogue's mutant power first manifested in her early teens when she kissed Cody Robbins. Her mind filled with his memories, and he fell into a prolonged coma.
This lead to the final time that she would run away from her aunt's house, to seek comfort in the friends she'd made away from home.
Here she fell in with a group of mutants calling themselves the 'Brotherhood'. Their leader, who particularly took interesting in Marie, taught her about her powers and helped instruct her on how to best use them, Rogue felt more at-home and happy than ever before.
Over time, the leader of the Brotherhood began to sway Rogue's trust and coaxed the girl into participating in her criminal endeavors. On her first mission, the inexperienced Rogue clashed with a super-powered Mutant and permanently absorbed the hero's memories and powers, including super-strength and flight.
This battle left Rogue in shambles, however, as she was devastated by her own actions in harming this mutant, whom she found out was not deserving of these actions. The guilt overwhelmed Anna-Marie.
Yet again, Rogue would run away from her home.
It has been three years now, that Rogue has been on her own on the Road. She's experienced a lot, most of it bad, but its been the adventure she always dreamed of going on as a child and she feels she has nowhere to go or anyone to help her.
At least that is what she was lead to believe until she heard of a school for mutants in the New York area. Once locating the school, Anna-Marie hitch-hiked her way across the country and approached Xavier's School. She laid out her case to them, explained all she'd done and been through in her life with her mutant powers and asked to join.
Though some of the X-Men were leery at the thought of accepting Rogue, Xavier himself insisted that a mutant of Rogue's powers needed their help to overcome her past and to nourish the good that Xavier believed was in her heart.
Rogue is 21 years old now and she's a graduate student from Xaiver's School. She's earning her teaching degree and is currently serving as a Teacher's aide at Xavier's School. She's a member of the X-Men and a well-known face around the halls of the Westchester school.
Rogue's natural mutant abilities have left her often feeling, and being, alone. She spent a great deal of time on the road alone by herself… and even in days after that, she rarely feels comfortable around others. She hides it well, but she prefers solitude.
Rogue genuinely cares for others, be they human or mutant… or animal or otherwise. She doesn't care who, or what, they are… she wants them to be happy and healthy and having a good time, all the time.
Rogue will often try to lighten a heavy mood with laughter, or a bad joke. Her ghost memories have lead her to often say random thoughts that just strike to the surface and though sometimes they're not always funny, they certainly are oddball in humorous nature.
Rogue doesn't like to sleep, sleep is where the nightmares are. Its where all the bad memories of those she's touched come at her in full-blast. She often will wake up in tears or in full blown crying mode… SO, she hates to sleep. While awake, Rogue is a driven-minded person… focusing on whatever task is given to her, or she chooses.
Rogue is a quality team player, due to her experience in the Brotherhood as well as her stolen military training… Rogue is a hell of a good team member. She follows the leader, their orders and will do her best to pull anyone who gets out of line back into place.
Rogue's anger makes her quick to lash out, she's not afraid to punch and she never has been… even before absorbing super strength, Rogue was a fireball of anger and aggression.
Rogue is motivated to become a quality teacher to mutants. She wants to be a role model for other mutants who are going through similar issues that she experienced in her teenage years.
Rogue's goals are to continue her own training. Many experiences since reaching Xavier's School has lead Rogue to believe that there's more to her mutation than what is on the surface currently, she thinks that her absorption of other's powers… has a specific reason, and she hopes to figure out what that is. Her career goals are to become a full teacher as soon as she's deemed ready and to help other mutants. Her X-Men goals are to help her team mates in every way that she's able to, she doesn't want to lose any of her friends or see them suffer.
When Rogue makes skin to skin contact with another being she absorbs some of the life energy and psyche of that person. As a result of this transfer, the victim loses his memories, skills, and any superhuman powers and Rogue gains these abilities. The duration of the transfer is exponentially proportional to the duration of contact with a brief touch lasting only a few seconds, a longer touch lasting several minutes, and extended contact potentially resulting in a permanent transfer. She is only able to absorb innate powers and knowledge — her power has no effect on technology.|Limitation-This power is always on and thus Rogue cannot make skin to skin contact with anyone without absorbing them.
- Enhanced Agility - Rogue gained this ability from her experience after touching the military mutant soldier.
- Enhanced Speed - Rogue gained her super speed after touching the special forces soldier mutant that she had a permanent absorption with. It took her a long time to learn how to properly utilize the speed and it scared the hell out of her at first. But with the proper assistance at Xavier's School she's come to learn how to use it and believe in herself.
- Enhanced Toughness - Rogue gained her toughness after touching the military mutant. She didn't realize that she'd become nearly invulnerable until she ran away from the Brotherhood and a few weeks later she met a drunk man at a truck stop who tried to molest her and she fought him off, but he stabbed her with a knife and the knife broke.
Needless to say the young girl was stunned and began to realize she took more from that military mutant than just their wild thoughts and memories.
- Enhanced Strength - Rogue gained this power from her permanent touch of the spec forces military mutant in her past when she was 16 years old and under the direction of the leaders of the Brotherhood.
Rogue gained the power of flight after permanently absorbing the powers from the mutant in the military. This was not an easy thing for a 16 year old girl to gain. She first discovered it while staying with a caravan of hippies in California. It scared them so badly that they demanded that the young girl leave their group, so she did, even more afraid than before. Terrified that she would float off the face of the earth at any moment.
It wasn't until she was at Xavier's that she learned how to control the flight. And today it's become second nature to her.
Although Anna-Marie was always in great shape because she spent most of her childhood outside on a farm doing farm work or just generally roaming around like a good wild kid should… her teenage years kept that shape up, working for the Brotherhood she did a lot of intense exercises.
After her permanent touch was had with the mutant special forces soldier, Anna-Marie's physical condition has not only stayed at a high level, it's gone even higher than it was at previously. Plus, due to that mutant's mutation, her body's muscles are almost always firm/fit/trim/tough as steel (if not tougher).
Rogue has the power to fly… but the Professor doesn't like her showing that power off… so, she has to have a car to get around. Rogue bought a 1970 Dodge Charger on her 21st birthday as a gift to herself. Its 'Sublime Green' in shade and has two white racing stripes down the center. The car is her precious, and she will go Gollum on anyone's ass who dares harm it! :P
Rogue dropped out of school at age 14 and all the memories she has accumulated from the times that she has touched others, may be a burden… but it also an advantage. A lot of what those others knew, she used to graduate from high school and further her Teaching career endeavors, she's used the education garnered from others to make up for her own lost time. These ghost memories often give Rogue insights that she wouldn't otherwise have at her young age. So sometimes, negatives CAN be positives also.
Rogue natural charms are a distinct advantage for her. She was gifted with good looks and a knack for charming the socks off of many. She uses these advantages quite often to get things that she wants… especially when she was homeless. She could easily charm money out of men, or food and clothing. Sometimes? She will still utilize this on the easily charmed.
Located in the 2nd richest county in all of New York State, Rogue finds herself calling 'home' to be that of the largest mansions in Westchester. Xavier's School is notorious in the county as an elite boarding school for gifted youngsters. And though Rogue has never really considered herself gifted, she certainly loves this school. Even after being at it for some time now, she wakes up every morning with a smile on her face. The school yields Rogue a great advantage of having a quality home base… with a few secrets up its sleeves.
- Musical: Piano - Up until the age of 14 when she ran away from her Aunt's home, Rogue had been trained in the Piano. Its a skill she used to rebel against learning, but has come to realize she misses it and misses playing.
- Musical: Guitar - After running away from the Brotherhood, after gaining her Super Soldier skills and the ability of Flight… Rogue met up with a young man who was traveling the United States in a van, and playing guitar for gas money. She tagged along with this man for nine-months and he taught her how to play to help earn money. She may not be an expert at it, but it's become her new favorite instrument.
*Musical: Singing - Along with Piano lessons, Rogue's aunt tried to get her niece to be trained in singing, thinking that having these skills would make young Anna-Marie more grounded and less rebellious.
It didn't work.
However, Rogue did learn quite a lot in the art of using one's voice to put toward song, and now with her new-found love of the guitar, she finds herself singing and playing guitar when she's most upset and feeling alone. It helps sooth her troubled mind(s).
- Stealth - Part of her training with the Brotherhood was how to move silently, sneak around, and gain covert entry into buildings. This was amplified in effectiveness after she absorbed the power permanently of the military mutant soldier.
- Streetwise - Rogue has a penchant for 'running wild' and has spent a lot of time around criminals and other underworld types. While never embracing it as her own lifestyle, she's picked up enough of the darker side of life to know how things work out on the streets and in the criminal world.
- Pilot - "I know how to fly an Airbus A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport and Refueling Plane… And I don't even know what that is!"
Rogue's Permanent Touch with the mysterious Mutant has lead her to absorb all of of their elite military training, including how to fly most types of airplanes. She's developed a love for airplanes because of it.
- Military: Soldier - Rogue's Permanent Touch has left her with a wealth of military experience and soldier training, including advanced special forces training. And it scares the shit out of her.
- Language: French - Rogue is fluent in the French Language. It was her favorite class in school as a child and her aunt (as well as many of her aunt's friends) spoke French fluently which helped her learn it at home when away from school.
- Language: Spanish - During her travels across the United States, Rogue immersed herself in a few books she found on the language of Spanish. She wanted to be better able to interact with those who fluently speak that language, and its paid off… though she's not the most proficient at it, she can do pretty well.
Additionally, some of the other people Rogue has touched were skilled in Spanish speaking, this has also helped her grow with this third language.
Although the psyches that Rogue absorbs quickly fade, often there is a fragment left behind, like a memory of a dream. The more powerful the psyche or intense the memories, the more likely it is to leave a mark. Over time, Rogue has absorbed many different minds that she can sometimes have trouble discerning which memories, emotions, and dreams are really her own.
Rogue is a hopeless romantic at heart and longs for a life filled with adventure and love. This often leads her to look for and see the best in people, especially attractive men, when caution might be better. That her powers prevent her from ever touching someone she loves is a source of angst for her.
She's a sucker for dangerous guys and she tends to flirt it up a little too much (one might say) when she deems a guy worthy of her tastes. She's well aware of her limitations with what's associated with flirting, but this might actually make it worse for her.
Rogue's temper can sometimes cause her to act to extremes when honestly angry. Whether it be violence when needed, or just kinda crazy behavior, Rogue has left a bout of temper looking really dumb before.
Coupled with the way she was raised, and the way that Rogue's power keeps her separate from everyone, Rogue tends to feel a bit isolated, even while surrounded by people. She can never touch someone skin to skin, pretty much ever again in her mind. And that leads to this feeling.
All skin to skin contact results in Rogue stealing the energy of the person with whom she's made contact. There have been no exceptions to this rule and it has given her a well-deserved fear of ever getting close to anyone. She -always- wears long sleeves and gloves, hiding beneath layers of clothes to protect the people around her from 'accidents' and herself from the guilt she always feels when she experiences their memories and emotions.